pythoncryptographymathematicsprime-numbershacktoberfestnumber-theoryeuclidean-algorithm Updatedon Jan 10 Python An academic project to find the most similar image to the given input image, based on Image Processing, Cosine Similarity Model, StreamLit, written primarily in Python using Visual Studio Code ...
3D LiDAR Object Detection & Tracking using Euclidean Clustering, RANSAC, & Hungarian Algorithm robotics ros object-detection autonomous-vehicles object-tracking pcl-library hungarian-algorithm obstacle-detection 3d-lidar ransac-algorithm euclidean-clustering obstacle-tracking Updated Mar 20, 2024 C++ knaag...
欧几里德与扩展欧几里德算法 Extended Euclidean algorithm 欧几里德算法 欧几里德算法又称辗转相除法,用于计算两个整数a,b的最大公约数。 基本算法:设a=qb+r,其中a,b,q,r都是整数,则gcd(a,b)=gcd(b,r),即gcd(a,b)=gcd(b,a%b)。 第一种证明: a可以表示成a = kb + r,则r = a mod b ...
Implementations of different algorithms for building Euclidean minimum spanning tree in k-dimensional space. Algorithms: EMST using Kd-tree O(NlogN)* Implementation of algorithm described in "Fast Euclidean Minimum Spanning Tree: Algorithm, Analysis, and Applications. William B. March, Parikshit Ram...
The implementation is based on Algorithm 1 in the paper and its variants. The top-k approximate nearest neighbors for each query in the query workload will be returned, together with the average ratio and time over all queries. Users can use the parameter setting given by cal_param. For ...
* * Author: William Silversmith * Affiliation: Seung Lab, Princeton Neuroscience Insitute * Date: July 2018 */ #ifndef EDT_H #define EDT_H #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <cstdint> #include <limits> #include <memory> #include "threadpool.h" // The py...