The present article surveys Ephraem's presentation of the scriptural teachings on the Eucharist, its meaning and significance, along with its power in Christian life.Sidney H. GriffithInstitute of Christian Oriental ResearchModern TheologyGriffith, Sidney H. "`Spirit in the Bread; Fire in the Wine...
In the Catholic Church, the Eucharist, meaning ''thanksgiving,'' is a sacrament where individuals partake in the literal blood and body of Christ (through transubstantiation of the elements of the Eucharist) by drinking the wine and eating the bread of Holy Communion. It commemorates Jesus' sac...
An outstanding contemporary analysis of the transubstantion and of its meaning and significance today . The first part of the book concentrates on the concerns and approach of the Fathers who defined the doctrine at The Council of Trent, the second part goes on to develop a mdern interpretation...
Today's many Protestant denominations attribute varying shades of meaning to the ceremony, but most tend to view the bread and wine as symbols that represent the body and blood of the Savior. They would also affirm, however, that Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, is indeed ...
Just as Jesus is the transformation in his own person of the total meaning and significance of Israel, so in his actions does he transform the meaning, power, and significance of the institutions of Israel, and, in our context, of the paschal celebration. This transformation is the biblical ...
Modified title of Web site: International Journal of Social Science Research and Review - The Theological Significance of the Eucharist: Exegesis of Mark 14:12 - 26. Yamini Chauhan Jan 16, 2025 Add new Web site: International Journal of Social Science Research and Review - The Theological Signif...
Both T and P values will be presented for assessment. The meaning of both values will be explained. Material and Methods: I put the capos to the test on three different guitars. The same Snark “Super Tight” electronic tuner is used for all testings. All three guitars were tuned to sta...
It is true that even among the Semites, and in Scripture itself, the phrase, “to eat some one’s flesh”, has a figurative meaning, namely, “to persecute, to bitterly hate some one”. If, then, the words of Jesus are to be taken figuratively, it would appear that Christ had ...
When Jesus instituted the Eucharist, he gave a new and definitive meaning to the blessing of the bread and the cup (1334). Ritual Meals in Ancient Religions It was not uncommon in ancient religious gatherings for the devotees to participate in a ritual meal as part of their worship. ...
Eventually the right meaning was lost, and erroneous interpretation of IHS led to the faulty orthography "Jhesus"... Towards the close of the Middle Ages IHS became a symbol , quite like the chi-rho in the Constantinian period. (Maere, René. "IHS." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 7. ...