eucalypts vary considerably in genome size.E. grandis(640 Mb19) andE. globulus(530 Mb19) represent different sections (LatoangulataeandMaidenaria) within the subgenusSymphyomyrtus20, estimated to have diverged in the past 36 million years21. Resequencing of the subtropicalE. grandis(BRASUZ...
genomegeneseucalyptussweetfamilySWEET family genes play an important role in different physiological processes, including sugar transport and adjustments, plant development and environmental adaptability. BLAST tools and Hidden Markov Model-directed sequence alignments in Eucalyptus grandis genome identified 52 ...
E. grandis genome (Myburg et al., 2014) that has provided the opportunity to perform a comprehensive genome-wide analysis of lignin biosynthetic genes, as reported in the present study. By combining a genome-wide survey of the genes putatively ...
Genetic maps are key tools in genetic research as they constitute the framework for many applications, such as quantitative trait locus analysis, and support the assembly of genome sequences. The resequencing of the two parents of a cross between Eucalyptus urophylla and Eucalyptus grandis was used...
Suzano previously donated anE. grandisclone, BRASUZ1, for use in a public Eucalyptus genome project in 2014. In the context of its ongoing discovery efforts, driven by bioinformatics and genomics, FuturaGene has now worked with Corteva’s Plant Genomics group to produce a more accurate genome ...
grandis genome (Table S6). A total of 57,480 transcripts were obtained, including 13,719 new transcripts. The new transcripts from each sample were between 10,172 and 11,122 (Table S7). 3.3. Differential expression genes A total of 101 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified ...
All clean reads were mapped to the reference genome (Eucalyptus grandis genome v2.0, phytozome) following filtering with SOAPnuke (Version 1.4.0). Analysis of differentially expressed genesUsing all collected reads per kilo bases per million mapped reads (RPKM) (1.16.1) as a basis, differential ...
Bartholomé J, Mandrou E, Mabiala A, Jenkins J, Nabihoudine I, Klopp C, Schmutz J, Plomion C, Gion J-M (2015) High-resolution genetic maps of Eucalyptus improve Eucalyptus grandis genome assembly. N Phytol 206:1283–1296. Article CAS Google Scholar...
grandis /itgenome that is being sequenced by the US Department of Energy. In addition we demonstrated that SNPs sampled in large-scale with 454 pyrosequencing can be used to detect evolutionary signatures among genes, providing one of the first genome-wide assessments of n...
grandis to C. austroafricana. The Eucalyptus grandis genome1 was sequenced recently and this has facilitated omics studies such as the description of the repertoire of R genes in this species2 and expression profiling experiments3,4, providing val- uable resources for studying E. grandis defence....