- “审计检查”被“敲诈”所取代,现在提供: -- Reasons to Accept Vassalization +15. -- 要求附庸接受度+15。 -- Monthly Favors Modifier +33%. -- 每月人情获取+33%。 - Bonus now gives Rebel Support Efficiency of 100% instead of 50%. - 完全解锁奖励的支持叛军效率从原先50%调整为100%。 Expl...
global_naval_barrage_cost用船发射将军的点数花费 accept_vassalization_reasons外交附庸影响因素(影响ai) accept_vassalization_reasons要求他国转移贸易竞争的影响因素(影响ai) discovered_relations_impact发现间谍对国家关系的影响 center_of_trade_upgrade_cost贸易中心升级花费 ship_power_propagation商船贸易力量提高 expe...
这是Template:Ideas EU4的模板文档。 当直接浏览时,使用变量可能会失效,请不要zh-hans:使用硬编码来代替;zh-hant:寫死页面名或地址。 这是构造修正数据Cargo表的模板。 修正关键字本地化关键字英文中文颜色数据类型 预览 accept_vassalization_reasons MODIFIER_ACCEPT_VASSALIZATION_REASONS Vassalizatation ...
Vassalizing countries while also taking provinces now discounts for this in the vassalization peace cost. Can now choose which allies to call when declaring war. By default, all allies that are expected to accept are set to be called.
Fixed Vassalization mission aborting instantly. Added founding date and conversation options for Sikhism (to/from Hinduism). Added 13 Sikh events with associated localisation and Guru modifiers. Fixed desc_conversion_zeal missing localisation. Fixed Lauenburg and Lüneburg province history. Rebalanced event...
-- Reasons to Accept Vassalization +15. -- 要求附庸接受度+15。 -- Monthly Favors Modifier +33%. -- 每月人情获取+33%。 - Bonus now gives Rebel Support Efficiency of 100% instead of 50%. - 完全解锁奖励的支持叛军效率从原先50%调整为100%。