New Trade GoodsOver the years it has been our ambition to flesh out and add detail to the Europa Universalis world. In order to further diversify the game setup we have added five new Trade Goods to the game, as well as some more special province modifiers for specific centers of productio...
base_manpower = <int> # 本省人力 latent_trade_goods = {coal} # 是否有煤炭(或者其他mod产品)作为潜在产品 trade_goods = <goods> # 本省产物 estate = <estate> # 为本省增加阶级 hre = yes / no # 是否为神罗省份 capital = "<string>" # 设定专有的首府名称,否则首府名称将会和省份名称一致...
global_prov_trade_power_modifier = 0.1#省份贸易竞争力修正 global_ship_trade_power = 0.2#舰船贸易竞争力 caravan_power = 0.2#商队力量 trade_steering = 0.1#贸易引导 trade_efficiency = 0.10#贸易效率 trade_range_modifier = 0.2#贸易范围 global_trade_goods_size_modifier = 0.1#商品产出 placed_merchan...
那么这个世界里,对粮食、棉花、布匹的需求值都是200/1000*100%=20%对粮食的供应值就是100/1000*100%=10%对棉花的供应值就是60/1000*100%=6%对布匹的供应值就是40/1000*100%=4%以上供应值和需求值都是没有经过修正的,实际值要看00_tradegoods.txt文件里的修正因素 16楼2014-02-03 10:10 收起回复 ...
trade_goods = silk hre = no base_tax = 50 base_production = 50 base_manpower = 50 is_city = yes fort_15th = yes add_core = ROM discovered_by = western discovered_by = eastern discovered_by = muslim center_of_trade = 3 add_permanent_province_modifier = { ...
Next week we will take a look at a system which, overall, hasn't changed a whole lot in EU4's life, and how it had its influence on the Islamic world. Until then I...hold on, I have a feeling that people are wanting to see some other trade goods across the world, following th...
完成复制后,您可以添加一点发展度,将城市名称从世界渴望之城升级为渴望世界之城。接下来,您可以将君士坦丁堡的所有者、核心与控制者修改为罗马帝国,通过将所有者、控制器改为ROM实现。同时,可以将贸易商品从玻璃改为更有价值的丝绸,通过将trade_goods字段更改为silk完成。修改后的代码如下:151 - ...
global_trade_goods_size=100 #商品产出 inflation_reduction=10 #每年通货膨胀减少 interest=-100 #年利息 land_maintenance_modifier=-1 #陆军维护费修正 naval_maintenance_modifier=-1 #海军维护费修正 merc_maintenance_modifier=-1 #雇佣兵维护费 production_efficiency=1 #生产效率 ...
trade_goods = slaves trade_goods = spices trade_goods = fur } } add_building = tradecompany } every_owned_province = { limit = { or = { trade_goods = coffee trade_goods = cotton trade_goods = sugar trade_goods = tobacco } } add_building = plantations } every_owned_province ...