This helps countries that have recently gained the Mandate an early source of Mandate, a common issue when playing as Qing or Yuan.We’ve rebalanced a number of Chinese historical events. I won’t go into the details now but an important focus was adding Mandate effects to many event ...
choosing randomly between the event options of those events can cause you to spend a majority of your ADM on boosting stability. We've gone through many of the events affecting Stability and/or Republican Tradition, and made the AI pick the better/safer option. ...
Country TagsProvince IDsIdea Group IDsCasus Belli IDsEvent IDsHOI4 Console CommandsStellaris Console CommandsVictoria 2 CheatsAge of Empires Cheats Table ViewCard View Command NameSyntaxDescription absolutismabsolutism [amount] [country tag]This console command adds the specified amount (number) of absoluti...
The mission "Break the Hansa" can be completed by improving the opinion of all members of Lübeck's trade league. When completed, Lübeck will get an event where they are either forced to grant temporary privileges to their trade league members, which make them basically useless for Lübeck, ...
s designated heir in 1444. A new event chain will bring Navarra under a Personal Union with Aragon if Navarra remains independent upon the death of King Afonso. If Navarra is being controlled by a player, they can of course choose to accept this union. But a truly ambitious player can ...
- The Ambrosian republic event now triggers a few days after the death of the Milanese monarch instead of immediately upon succession. This means it will no longer check triggers miliseconds before the country might have fallen under personal union, which made the checks against such unions ...
Hi there and welcome to another dev diary for EU4. I am Pierre, I’ve been part of the EU4 Content Design team since December, and I feel honoured to be able...
The Surrender of Maine event now has a custom casus belli, which acts as an usual Restoration of Personal Union cb for England, but is like a Reconquest cb for France. The Swiss events about Calvin can now only trigger in the Age of Reformation in order to prevent him returning from his...
The Surrender of Maine event now has a custom casus belli, which acts as an usual Restoration of Personal Union cb for England, but is like a Reconquest cb for France. The Swiss events about Calvin can now only trigger in the Age of Reformation in order to prevent him returning from his...
Changed description of institution spawn event。 Add space for extra edict on the edicts list。 Condottieri while at peace alert doesn't need to popup if the price I'm paying is 0 ducats anyway。 为新增 an alert for when federation cohesion maxes out。