How to Change a Nation's Religion with Cheats Changing the religion of a country is easy with cheats. It's done using the same command as you would use to change a province's religion - the change_religion command. Here's the syntax: change_religion [Country Tag] [Religion ID]Copy You...
remove_rivalremove_rival [country tag]This cheat makes the specified country no longer a rival of your current country. remove_traitremove_trait [ruler trait id]This command removes the specified trait from the ruler of the country you are currently playing as.DLC: Rights of Man ...
Estates that grow extremely powerful will attempt to seize power in the country or break away to form their own nation. Native Policies: You can now choose a policy for you handle the native population in colonies between Coexistance, Trading or Repression, with each giving a different benefit....
benefits at the cost of local autonomy. A powerful estate will have significant effects on the country that are good or bad depending on whether they are loyal or not. Estates that grow extremely powerful will attempt to seize power in the country or break away to form their own nation. ...