reformation_center = <religion> # 设定本省为某宗教改革中心 unrest = <int> # 增加基础叛乱度 <building> = yes / no # 增加或者移除特定建筑 add_permanent_province_modifier = { name="<修正名称>" : duration=-1 } #增加本省的永久性修正 # 增加叛乱 revolt = { type = <rebel type> #叛军类...
Spread Piety emp_bav_center_of_counter_reformation Deal with the Illuminati emp_bav_illuminati_mission Claim Tirol emp_bav_conquer_tirol Union with Austria emp_bav_union_with_austria Expand into Italy emp_bav_italian_sun Bavarian Netherlands emp_bav_netherlands Hussite Regency emp_boh_hussite_start...
center_of_trade_upgrade_cost MODIFIER_CENTER_OF_TRADE_UPGRADE_COST Center of Trade Upgrade Cost 贸易中心升级花费 Red percentage 贸易中心升级花费:+10% church_influence_modifier church_influence_modifier [Country.GetClergyName] Influence [Country.Get教士Name]影响力 Yellow percentage [Country.Get教士Name...
center_of_tradecenter_of_trade [level] [province id]This console command creates a center of trade with the specified level (1-3) in the specified province. If the province is already a center of trade, its level will be adjusted to the specified level. ...
If the event that spawns Anglican fires outside of the Age of Reformation it will not offer to activate a Center of Reformation. Estates no longer have minimum province requirements or demands Estate disasters now tick up only at 100% influence ...
The reformation speed of the Protestant, Hussite和Reformed reformation center has been increased by 25% in order to balance the reformation in 神圣罗马帝国 out due to the removed Tolerance of Heretics penalty of the CatholicsComment from @Ogele:In general we were quite pleased with the reformation...
革命结束(center_of_revolution.3000)事件不再会向全世界广播了,在第一次发出后,该消息随机被清空。 再度启用镀金宝塔(11242)事件,并对利维坦DLC进行了适配,现在你可以融掉大光金塔了。 白莲教(flavor_mng.10)事件中如果明朝不是天朝的话,将不会再提及大明。 香料贸易的衰退(prices.22)事件会设置全局标签global fla...
The reformation speed of the Protestant, Hussite和Reformed reformation center has been increased by 25% in order to balance the reformation in 神圣罗马帝国 out due to the removed Tolerance of Heretics penalty of the CatholicsComment from @Ogele:In general we were quite pleased with the reformation...
Center of Attention NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_7_20_NAME Own both a Protestant and a Reformed Center of Reformation. 万众瞩目 瞩目焦点 同时拥有新教和改革宗的改革中心。 同时拥有新教和改革宗的改革中心。 83 achievement_this_revolution_was_crushed 无 This Revolution Was Crushed NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_7_22_NAME ...
Having a Canal will boost trade power in the province, allow the transit of ships and affects naval distance. The Canals are visible on the mapJustify Trade Conflict-actionA trade conflict can be justified against another nation where there is a node where you have at least 10% of the trad...