change_religion [Province ID] [Religion ID]Copy You'll need to replace [Province ID] with the ID of the province you wish to change the religion of. A province ID is simply a unique number that's assigned to each province in the game, Stockholm's is 1, Berlin's is 50, etc. To ...
set_base_productionset_base_production [province id] [value]This command sets the base production efficiency (multiplier) for the province with the specified ID to the specified value. Base production efficiency is the multiplier used in the calculation for province production income, trade value, ...
Scope:country/province Syntax:from={effects…} 引发事件的国家/省份 <regionname> Scope:country/province Syntax:<regionname>={effects…} 转向特定区域 <continentname> Scope:country/province Syntax:<continentname>={effects…} 转向特定大陆 PREV Scope:country/province Effects: set_global_flag Sc...
can_have_colonial_nations has province ID in the scope too。 on_mercenary_recruited can distinguish of what kind of merc has been recruited; ROOT is set to the usit id,和new trigger mercenary_company can be used to match to a merc company tag。其它Idea...
[宫颈癌筛查]宫颈癌筛查升级套餐 0元挂号费/妇科常规检查/阴道分泌物检查/人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)检查-远东罗湖院区-5楼妇科 宫颈癌筛查 0元挂号费/妇科常规检查/阴道分泌物检查/人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)检查-远东罗湖院区-5楼妇科,预防宫颈癌从早期筛查做起 分享 排行 店铺商品...
领券 店铺粉丝 获50瑶居积分 成为粉丝 女神身材养成 修腰收腹 人气网红都爱穿的潮流星芭裤 穿上它秀出纤细好身材~ 瑜伽·跑步·健身 全新升级 黄金比例分割线瘦腿秀出来 品质保证 退货包运费 免费上门取退 专属客服 先行赔付 配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 ...
【超模君严选】Nitetronic 添眠荷叶护颈枕 一个枕头竟有如此多黑科技! 大家都在买 ¥259 正版!《蛇舞紫禁》2025乙巳蛇年暨故宫博物院100周年纪念款珍藏册 25年1月10号陆续发货 大家都在买 ¥258 【内里加厚热力绒 御寒保暖】素湃气凝胶...
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