event [事件ID] [<目标国家代码> 可选] [<Option id> 可选] 执行一个事件。 exhaust [<数值> 可选] [<国家代码> 可选] 改变你的厌战度。 fast_colonize 快速殖民作弊开关。(对AI也生效) fast_diplo 快速外交/忽略派遣外交官时间。 哥萨克 favors [<目标国家代码>] [<数值> 可选] 增加所选国家欠你...
新教protestant 泛灵教 animism 添加核心 add_core [省份id] 直接吃 own_core [] 种田事件 event 1075 iron_crowned 这个是铁王冠特质有20造核 peasant_revolt_leader_personality 这个是小民的庇护者,有10士气打击和减1叛乱 event flavor_jap.23 三种君主死前的buff event flavor_jap.6 君主死前加5传教 event...
country_event:{ id = protestantism_events.19 } } 如果:{ 仅限于:{ religion = protestant } set_country_flag = converted_to_protestantism } 如果:{ 仅限于:{ has_country_modifier = bav_religious_mandate_mod } remove_country_modifier = bav_religious_mandate_mod } add_country_modifier:{ ...
[<省份ID>]发现金矿64天命归属65神圣帝国73女武士 event flavor_sax.3 目标省份代码 目标省份加生产和人力,开始生产纸张,同时添加一个一级贸易中心 event flavor_sun.2选择万丹或井里汶(万丹重经济,井里汶重军事) 奥斯曼event flavor_tur.100耶尼切里军团216罗马帝冠246军事工程学院249奥斯曼法典252帝国丝织品257斐格...
Amsterdam Stock Exchange event is now a lasting modifier. The Purge of the Archbishop of Salzburg: Now actually has an effect on basetax there, instead of a choice between +1 stab or -1 stab. Also can only happen if catholic. The Protestant Rebellion in Hungary: will no longer happen if...
{ protestant catholic } allowed_center_conversion = { catholic } country = { tolerance_heretic = 2 advisor_pool = 1 } 其中allowed_conversion = { protestant catholic } 这个括号内就是当改 分享115 欧陆风云吧 甩葱哥John 欧陆风云4 全建筑核心文化宗教修改方法 酋长必备复制代码到TXT文档然后放到...
Amsterdam Stock Exchange event is now a lasting modifier. The Purge of the Archbishop of Salzburg: Now actually has an effect on basetax there, instead of a choice between +1 stab or -1 stab. Also can only happen if catholic. The Protestant Rebellion in Hungary: will no longer happen if...
事件trade_policy_event。1 has a go to function。事件increasing province 发展度 no longer briefly change 发展度 needed to unlock next building slot。Expected arrival date for fleets corrected。Federation advancedment "United Warbands" can no longer be used by federation member to force federation ...
event 3077 省份id 快速殖民 event ideagroups.1500 增加自治度(负数为减) add_local_autonomy [省份id] [数字] 改教 change_religion [省份id或国家代码] [宗教(不写默认为本国国教)] 儒confucianism 天主catholic 新教protestant 泛灵教 animism 添加核心 ...
event 3077 省份id 快速殖民 event ideagroups.1500 增加自治度(负数为减) add_local_autonomy [省份id] [数字] 改教 change_religion [省份id或国家代码] [宗教(不写默认为本国国教)] 儒confucianism 天主catholic 新教protestant 泛灵教 animism 添加核心 ...