To further immerse the players into the gravity of their choices, I went ahead and added a few dynamic missions for Poland, based on your choice between the local noble or the Lithuanian PU. Accepting the Lithuanian union will lead you towards developing the Lithuanian core as well as elevatin...
converting them to Christianity while the Prussian lands got Germanized over the two centuries. As the Teutonic Order was eventually conquered and vassalized by the Poles, secularized into Prussia and inherited by the Hohenzollern, the mission tree of the Order is less about ...
Poland POL Prussia PRU Kurland KUR Riga RIG Teutonic Order TEU Commonwealth PLC Galicia–Volhynia VOL Kiev KIE Chernigov CHR Odoyev OKA Alençon ALE Strasbourg ALS Armagnac AMG Auvergne AUV Avignon AVI Bourbonnais BOU Brittany BRI Burgundy BUR Champagne CHP Corsica COR Dauphine DAU Foix FOI France...
The Polish event "Elective Monarchy in Poland" will now always trigger regardless if Poland has already enacted four privileges for the Nobility. Should Poland have Golden Liberty revoked before they gain the Elective Monarchy then a noble privilege will be replaced with the Golden Liberty privilege...
Poland can into space NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_6_4_NAME As Poland, reach the maximum level in all technologies (32). 波兰可以上太空 波兰能上太空 作为波兰,所有科技都达到32级。 作为波兰,将所有科技提升到最高等级(32)。 36 achievement_world_discoverer 无 World Discoverer NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_6_5_NAME ...
Conquest of Greater Poland prussia_partitions_poland Conquer the Flemish Lands fla_lowlands_one Control Wallonia fla_lowlands_two Unite the Low Countries fla_lowlands_three Flemish Trade fla_flemish_trade Expand the Cities fla_further_urbanization Chambers of Commerce fla_commercial_infrastructure In Fland...
The Polish event "Elective Monarchy in Poland" will now always trigger regardless if Poland has already enacted four privileges for the Nobility. Should Poland have Golden Liberty revoked before they gain the Elective Monarchy then a noble privilege will be replaced with the Golden Liberty privilege...
Integrating Poland via decision no longer possible if they have grown by over 10 provinces since 1444. Integrating Savoy via decision no longer possible if they have grown by over 10 provinces since 1444. Integrating Sardinia via decision no longer possible if they have grown by over 10 provinces...
. As such their mission tree is similar to the ones of the Teutonic Order: a mission tree of “what if?”, though this time it is a little bit more grounded as the Livonian Order did persist as the Polish vassal state Kurland for some time after until the third partition of Poland....
Several additional conquest missions appear throughout the tree. Following the Annex Alsace mission, you’ll be on the path to recreating Napoleon’s campaigns. Invading Switzerland, abolishing the Holy Roman Empire, “protecting” Poland and ultimately attempting an invasion of Russia will be on the...