add_piadd_pi [country tag]This command will add 100 Papal Influence to the country with the specified tag. add_prosperityadd_prosperity [province id] [progress %]This command can be used to make a province progress further towards prosperity. Specify a negative number to decrease a province'...
- Revolution Target now gets -100 Papal Influence.- Catholics now get Papal Influence again as the text says when converting a province, but its +1 per basetax, not just a flat +5.- Second and third centres of reformation can now no longer be created in Rome.# Revolts- Loss of the...
papal_influence每年获得的教廷影响力 trade_range_modifier贸易范围 unjustified_demands不正当要求 rebel_support_efficiency叛军支持效率 placed_merchant_power贸易竞争力 global_own_trade_power国内贸易竞争力 recover_navy_morale_speed海军士气恢复 global_foreign_trade_power国外贸易竞争力 improve_relation_modifier改善关...
papal_influence_from_cardinals MODIFIER_PAPAL_INFLUENCE_FROM_CARDINALS Papal Influence from Cardinals 来自枢机主教的教廷影响力 Green percentage 来自枢机主教的教廷影响力:+10% papal_tithe_modifier placed_merchant_power MODIFIER_PLACED_MERCHANT_POWER Merchant Trade Power 贸易竞争力 Green float 贸易竞争力...
Has invested at least 30 Papal influence in the election of the next papal controller 全部: 至少有下述 2 项成立: 拥有国家修正 「教宗特许加税」 拥有国家修正 「教宗的祝福」 拥有国家修正 「教宗认可我国王朝」 拥有国家修正 「放贷罪获赦」 拥有国家修正 「教宗特许开战」 否则: 至少有下述 2 项...
Influence the Princes emp_bur_influence_the_princes Lead the Empire emp_bur_lead_the_empire Kingdom of Bavaria emp_bur_kingdom_of_bavaria Papal Relations emp_bur_papal_relations Feast of Pheasants emp_bur_feast_of_pheasants Secure the Succession emp_bur_secure_succession Join the Empire emp_bur...
Being the Defender of Faith gives now +1 Monthly Fervor / +10% Church Power Modifier / +1 Papal Influence. Also fixed an inconsistency where being a Level 3 Defender of Faith didn't grant you War Exhaustion Reduction. Fixed an issue which prevented Confucian and Tengri countries to benefit ...
Province 事件 now have a goto button for the province。Raised papal influence t神圣罗马帝国shold so you can actually excommunicate countries。Reform progress cost applied correctly。Removed "To the ground" policy in non dlc game。Removed dip cost for giving vassal their claims in a conquest cb。
Each controlled cardinal now gives +1papal influence Defender of the Faithis now +5%morale, instead of +10%. Revoking aguaranteeon a nation now gives you a truce. Only one way though, for the one doing the guarantee. You can no longer declare war on a country you have guaranteed. ...
Have 3 different estates in your country with at least 70% influence each. 党派之争 党派之争 在你的国家里同时有3个影响力大于70%的阶层。 在你的国家里同时有3个阶层影响力大于70%。 166 achievement_from_humble_origins 无 From Humble Origins NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_10_8_NAME Starting as a custom...