protectorate [<目标国家代码>] [<Actor 国家代码> 可选] 成为保护国(1.20 版本移除)。 province_modifier 显示省份修正。 reform [<目标省份ID>] 在所选省份出现宗教改革的改革中心。 reform_desire [数值] 增加天主教改革呼声(默认为10) reformprogress [<数值> 可选] [<国家代码> 可选] 增加所选国家的...
own [<Province ID>] #获得指定省份所有权 controll [<Province ID>] #获得指定省份控制权 selflearningai #开启/关闭AI学习能力(就EU的破AI还能这么凶残?) aiview #显示AI额外信息 yesman #ai会同意你一切要求 memory #显示已使用内存 msg #切换消息弹出 helplog #在game.log里面显示所有控制台命令帮助 hel...
- Only province trade power now propagates upstream, and amount of propagation was reduced.- Increased effect of blockading on province trade power.- Reduced overall value of trade goods by about 33%.# Units- Exiled units are now 'blind' and will not reveal fog of war in their own or ...
What makes the event special however is that it affects your mission tree. By inviting the missionaries, you replace the first column of missions with Catholic missions at the cost of 1 stability and 20 Prestige. Also a random owned province becomes Catholic too. 不过让这个事件变得特殊的是它对...
invasion_targetinvasion_target [province id]This command sets the AI's invasion target to the province with the specified ID. investinvest [investment id] [province id]This is a toggle command, it will enable or disable the Trade Company Investment with the specified ID for the specified provin...
Removed rule that you couldn't make a separate peace with the holder of the war goal province. Deus Vult is now last idea in religous ideas. Subject types that allow Embargo Rivals interaction no longer allow Subject to make their own embargoes. ...
Merchant Republics now always give their production bonus to provinces where they have trade power, even if they or someone transfering trade power to them own the province (but not if it has gold as trade goods). Lack of debate in parliament is no longer a hit on legitimacy or republican...
Rebalanced Parlimentary bribes, none scale with province development anymore. Surrendering to religious rebels now reduces your religious tolerance for your own faith more. Surrendering to religious rebels now always costs you 1 stability. English Civil War will now be harder to end before it starts...
own [<Province ID>] #获得指定省份所有权 controll [<Province ID>] #获得指定省份控制权 selflearningai #开启/关闭AI学习能力(就EU的破AI还能这么凶残?) aiview #显示AI额外信息 yesman #ai会同意你一切要求 memory #显示已使用内存 msg #切换消息弹出 helplog #在game.log里面显示所有控制台命令帮助 hel...
own [<Province ID>] #获得指定省份所有权 controll [<Province ID>] #获得指定省份控制权 selflearningai #开启/关闭AI学习能力(就EU的破AI还能这么凶残?) aiview #显示AI额外信息 yesman #ai会同意你一切要求 memory #显示已使用内存 msg #切换消息弹出 helplog #在game.log里面显示所有控制台命令帮助 hel...