but in a way that fits with something that are not one time bonuses but intended to be longer term. For instance instead of getting +50/100/150 monarch points of your choice, you can now get +1 to your monarch power generation by giving aprivilegeto the relevant estate....
now exempt the estate from the "Seize Land" action. This change allows you to have a little more control over who you seize the Crownland + makes these estate privileges a little bit more useful. Also, the "Increased Levies" estate privilege has been ...
now exempt the estate from the "Seize Land" action. This change allows you to have a little more control over who you seize the Crownland + makes these estate privileges a little bit more useful. Also, the "Increased Levies" estate privilege has been ...
新增allow_free_estate_privilege_revocation = yes,意为你可以无视忠诚/影响力而移除阶层特权。 新增reset_golden_age = yes 与 extend_golden_age = <months> 效果。 新增years_to_integrate_personal_union = <years> 修正。 新增local_fort_maintenance_modifier = <float> 修正,影响本地要塞维护费。 新增lo...
granting the 'Nobility Integration Policy' as a privilege to the nobility estate which also grants an instant −5% diplomatic annexation cost. 早期政治 Politically it may be safe to stay friendly toward and even be allied to 奥地利 and 波希米亚 until just before being ready to release and pla...
New World missions, which require you to not being tribal, can be completed while being a Horde. The Japanese mission "Pacify the North" now gives claims on the whole Sakhalin island. The Korean mission "Build to Force Limit" now revokes the "Inwards Perfection" estate privilege if done by...
修复了privilege estate_church_clerical_ministers giving nothing when playing as muslim nation。修复了province highlighting on stiff upper lippe achievement。修复了recommended nations of user-selected days to be the last set of interesting nations from whatever the previous bookmark is。
allow_free_estate_privilege_revocation = yes无视阶级忠诚和影响取消阶级特权 free_maintenance_on_expl_conq = yes探险家和征服者不计入将领数量 reduced_native_attacks = yes土著攻击??(此项存疑且截止1.35.6版本,此项似乎并未启用但存在于文件中)
为"yearly_authority"、"overlord_naval_forcelimit"和"all_estate_loyalty_equilibrium"添加了新的修正。 为新增 new UI Gfx for the new cawa regiments。 为新增 new icon for the institutions inside the great powers window。 修复了social buttons for lower resolutions。 修复了西西里(SIC)和两西西里(TTS...
New World missions, which require you to not being tribal, can be completed while being a Horde. The Japanese mission "Pacify the North" now gives claims on the whole Sakhalin island. The Korean mission "Build to Force Limit" now revokes the "Inwards Perfection" estate privilege if done by...