Crash fix related to mods reading invalid IDs for font characters. Crossing penalty warning displayed correctly. Crown Colony autonomy modifier not shown twice. Custom nations can correctly use the "beloved relative" choice in election event. Define ruler to general makes sure the names of both mat...
Multiple subunits of the same kind can no longer be added to the subunit database. Error is printed to the error log as well. This fixed OOS in certain mods. Added a 'has_active_policy = policy' trigger. Exported CORE_SAME_CULTURE_OVERSEAS to lua defines ...
Crash fix related to mods reading invalid IDs for font characters. Crossing penalty warning displayed correctly. Crown Colony autonomy modifier not shown twice. Custom nations can correctly use the "beloved relative" choice in election event. Define ruler to general makes sure the names of both mat...
为新增 option for showing region names for parts of your 国家 in 其它 regions(e。g。 'Swedish 刚果' instead of 'Sweden')。 为新增 "Your forts are under siege" alert。 为新增 an alert if your armies doing Rebel Suppression or Carpet Siegeing do not dare to engage Rebels。 为新增 a ch...
为新增 option for showing region names for parts of your 国家 in 其它 regions(e。g。 'Swedish 刚果' instead of 'Sweden')。 为新增 "Your forts are under siege" alert。 为新增 an alert if your armies doing Rebel Suppression or Carpet Siegeing do not dare to engage Rebels。 为新增 a ch...
现在吞并仅有一个省份的国家也将能正常地获得“征服者王后”成就。 Now Spread the Revolution power projection is displayed correctly in peace offer text. Fixed crash in court view when using mods that don't have certain widgets.参考资料↑ Forum: Europa Universalis IV: 1.31 Majapahit is now LIVE ...
Ironman games can now be played with mods and various Gameplay Options. Achievements, however, will only be gained if certain criteria are fulfilled. When starting a new single player game, a dialog for selecting Ironman or Normal game is now shown. The dialog shows if/why Achievements cannot...
Fixed some CTDs for mods in province view. Fixed a CTD related to conquering a province from a centralized state. Fixed a CTD related to parsing event triggers. Fixed an OOS related to an issue with constructions while migrating. Can now take land from natives if they're sitting on some...
Ironman games can now be played with mods and various Gameplay Options. Achievements, however, will only be gained if certain criteria are fulfilled. When starting a new single player game, a dialog for selecting Ironman or Normal game is now shown. The dialog shows if/why Achievements cannot...