Invite to Federation acceptance no longer takes navy strength into account. Fixed a bug where you could import leaders from one save to another, potentially resulted in absurdly powerful played created generals ending up in ironman saves. Countries with their capital in a colonial region will no ...
Claim Timur’s Legacy - Countries ruled by Timurid rulers can form the Timurid Empire, getting permanent claims on all of Timur’s conquests, new national ideas and empire rank.Enthrone Timurid Prince - In the early game a powerful independent country in this region can invite a Timurid ...
Invite Minorities from Abroad 50 Every province of the capital state gets −20% Local development cost for 5 years and +1 random development. Requires the country to own and control the entire area of its capital and to know about a province of the state religion which is owned by a hea...
Invite to Trade League tooltip had some issues when there was more than one reason why you couldn't send it。Modifiers no longer 为新增 if empty。修复了game failed to launch on EGS。修复了some typos和corrected the unit / tech types Inti / Nahuatl countries get when reforming into monarchies...
Can no longer invite federation members into the same federation. Can no longer use Ctrl + RMB to explore TI sea with non-explorable navies. Can use "Repair damaged ships" when all ships in fleet are damaged. Claim throne uses same threshold for heir claim weakness as the UI. Condottieri...
Infiltrate Administration applies to allies in War。 Empire:神圣罗马帝国 reform Geteilte Macht now 不会使其它神圣罗马帝国 members from accumulating AE against the Emperor when they take non-神圣罗马帝国 provinces。 Nations released through peace treaty will be guaranteed by the winning peace treaty neg...
Can no longer invite federation members into the same federation. Can no longer use Ctrl + RMB to explore TI sea with non-explorable navies. Can use "Repair damaged ships" when all ships in fleet are damaged. Claim throne uses same threshold for heir claim weakness as the UI. Condottieri...
Cultural unions are no longer tied to tags, but rather can be gained for its primary culture group by any country with Empire rank (in Common Sense) or at least 1000 development (without Common Sense). Gamebalance Advisors Countries with incomes less than 20 ducats will no longer get level...
Nation Designer: Added new custom idea "Slave Raiders" that allows you to raid coasts. Readded Very Easy and Very Hard with bonuses of old. Added "economy" console command that prints global economy statistics to game.log. Disbanding fleets now return sailors to your sailor pool (up to ...