Anglican religion spawning no longer has an expiration date. If the event that spawns Anglican fires outside of the Age of Reformation it will not offer to activate a Center of Reformation. Estates no longer have minimum province requirements or demands ...
At release of 1.32, there was a major issue with AI mana spending, causing the AI to often fall behind in tech and/or ideas. This was made worse by how it interacted with the new institution tech cost, and by the issues with advisors mentioned above. Although a hotfix was issued includ...
The institution spread bonus from Innovativeness for Industrialization has been nerfed from 2 to 1。 Update 国家 units when changing primary culture。Bug修复AI can't use annul treaties on nation about to be a subject again during independence war。AI...
Vassals of a country annexed by a Tributary now correctly goes to the Tributary and not their overlord. Fixed CTD in CCountry::ClearRelations. Province view buildings list button will no longer disappear if the institution window was open when vising the state view, and then got closed. ...
Added on_institution_embracement on_action which is triggered when institution is embraced. Added on_national_focus_change on_action which is triggered when national focus is changed. Added on_war_ended with FROM being the loser and ROOT being the winner. Added triggers uses_meritocracy, uses_ho...
At release of 1.32, there was a major issue with AI mana spending, causing the AI to often fall behind in tech and/or ideas. This was made worse by how it interacted with the new institution tech cost, and by the issues with advisors mentioned above. Although a hotfix was issued includ...
为新增 new different institution icons for the technology window。 为新增 new alert icon for "Armies on 任务 too scared to engage Enemies"。 为新增 new icons for auto-improve relations in the outliner。 为新增 new icon for "Convert consort to general"。 为新增 more "consistency" to the pap...
Added on_institution_embracement on_action which is triggered when institution is embraced. Added on_national_focus_change on_action which is triggered when national focus is changed. Added on_war_ended with FROM being the loser and ROOT being the winner. Added triggers uses_meritocracy, uses_ho...
Global Trade Institution can now always grow in provinces with high trade power. Institutions no longer biased to spawn in low-index provinces. Terrain no longer reduces combat width. Gave "Immortal" static Nation Designer cost, meaning it will not be cheaper for consorts or old rulers. Forts...
At release of 1.32, there was a major issue with AI mana spending, causing the AI to often fall behind in tech and/or ideas. This was made worse by how it interacted with the new institution tech cost, and by the issues with advisors mentioned above. Although a hotfix was issued includ...