- Force converted nations are now granted the global_holy_war_released_modifier modifer. - Threatening war now takes into account guarantors. - Tributary Overlord now joins coalition war if it is declared by their Tributary. - Nerfed primitive war score cost for taking provinces. - Nerfed AE ...
The idea behind adding these trigger checks is to help save time from long and performance-intensive scope checks for requirements such as all_war_enemy_countries. Furthermore, checking for countries that give any type of access would only serve to further imbue missions and new modding works wi...
known also as the VOC) and the West India Company (Westindische Compangie, WIC, sometimes known with a 'Chartered'/Geoctroyeerde slapped to the front of its name as well). The VOC founded colonies from South Africa to the East Indies, and even briefly...
- Having a royal marriage now gives a bonus to acceptance when diplovassalizing.- Can no longer use Claim Throne on countries with a different dynasty.- Enforce Peace option will now properly account for Current Wars and will be disabled if they cannot join the war. It will also tell the...
Fixed colonies completed with a colonist don't convert to owner's religion. Fixed missing persistence for CWar. Fixed no monarch/leader/ship names for federations. 将侵略扩张惩罚的距离计算由步进的改为线性的。 修复了继承战争的目标国家可能错误地成为战争领袖,从而无法使该战争结束的问题。
Join a war on the other side of someone to whom you have rented condottieri. 白公司 白色军团 将你的军队当做佣兵租给战争的一方,然后加入战争的另一方。加入一场战争,对抗一个雇佣了你遣外雇佣军团的国家。 与某个从你处租借了遣外雇佣军团的国家分别加入一场战争的敌对两方。 183 achievement_time...
Non-tributary subjects now join the wars of their overlord in the wars of the bookmarks (for example: all of France's vassals are now at war with England during the English-French Hundred Years War in 1447). Added a birthday for the ruler of Morocco. Added starting rulers for Wadai an...
Will now never be possible to form the the same tag more than once for one country. Reduced amount of states from government and technology dramatically. RNW should no longer generate areas with more than 5 provinces. Having done unconditional surrender now impacts autonomy, war exhaustion and in...
Now possible to Request Trade Power from another nation You can request 0-100% of their trade power which if accepted will be counted as yours. Until the Transfer is canceled, the party receiving tradepower can not declare war on the giving party. ...
Fixed issues with AI who wants to make you a Tributary not being aggressive/punishing enough when you decline. Fixed that AI considering attacking a Tributary heavily underestimated power of the overlord if the latter would join. Improved AI power balance estimates in war declaration logic. ...