This Center will continuously spread the ideals of the revolution further and further across the continent, three provinces at a time and quite quickly as well. When the people have realized that the guy in charge is just so because he has a very expensive hat, the local autonomy of the pr...
The AI now chooses the options of the republican events more wisely in order to maintain a high amount of Republican Tradition. The Center of Revolution can no longer spawn within the Celestial Empire as the Emperor of China cannot go through the Revolution Disaster. The Jewish event "Build th...
- Fixed exploit where you could call to arms rivals of your enemies without being allied. - Fixed dismantle the revolution peace treaty having different warscore cost and prestige depending on which side offers it. - You can no longer pillage development from natives' capitals with no losses. ...
The AI now chooses the options of the republican events more wisely in order to maintain a high amount of Republican Tradition. The Center of Revolution can no longer spawn within the Celestial Empire as the Emperor of China cannot go through the Revolution Disaster. The Jewish event "Build th...
为新增 add_great_project { type = <tag> } can now use instant = yes/no; move_great_project 为新增 { type = <tag> province = <id> instant = yes/no }; destroy_great_project 为新增 { type = <tag> }。 为新增 female = yes/no to the create leader effects(instead of using negati...
为新增 add_great_project { type = <tag> } can now use instant = yes/no; move_great_project 为新增 { type = <tag> province = <id> instant = yes/no }; destroy_great_project 为新增 { type = <tag> }。 为新增 female = yes/no to the create leader effects(instead of using negati...