How to use Find bugs If you find a bug,create a issuein this repository. Spec plugins/plugin.ini ERROR_TEST It is for the alert debug. SEPARATE_CHARACTER_CODE_POINT Change the character that connects the region name and the country name. See ISSUE-164 ...
- Having a royal marriage now gives a bonus to acceptance when diplovassalizing.- Can no longer use Claim Throne on countries with a different dynasty.- Enforce Peace option will now properly account for Current Wars and will be disabled if they cannot join the war. It will also tell the...
European nations being forced to change religion to Mayan don't explode. Fixed a script bug for the Maratha's Conquest Agenda. Fixed getting Great Power Club messages about nations that haven't been discovered by the player. Fixed wrong scope in trigger of 'Ancestral Temple' in ideagroups.txt...
Moved religious locks from before the year 1650 to be valid from script in Age of Discovery & Age of Reformation only. added better and worse comparisons to other players in statistics page. [Art of War] Automatic Fleet Transport now docks to pick up and drop off your armies when possible...
Of course the claims of Eric won't make much sense when he dies before pressing them against Denmark. If you select the monarchy path of your missions and Eric finds himself buried with the head first in the mudflat then you get an event which allows you to change your direction (this ...
It happened after some decades of a troublesome political relation between the Sweden nobility and the Danish kings that ended in the tragic Stockholm Bloodbath, and the already mentioned coronation of King Gustav, starting the famous and powerful Vasa dynasty, which would rule until mid 17th ...
we will instead be looking at claim strength of the heir or check if the dynasty is of the correct one to avoid cheating yourself out of it. Also to not allow you to cheat out of being a potential junior partner in a PU, anyone you have a royal marriage with will gain a Claim Thro...
Attaching Inverted Question Mark(¿) to dynasty, the first name and last name are reversed. 1534.6.23 = { heir = { name = "Nobunaga" # Nobunaga monarch_name = "Nobunaga" # Nobunaga dynasty = "¿Oda" # Oda birth_date = 1534.6.23 death_date = 1582.6.21 claim = 90 adm = 5 dip...
It happened after some decades of a troublesome political relation between the Sweden nobility and the Danish kings that ended in the tragic Stockholm Bloodbath, and the already mentioned coronation of King Gustav, starting the famous and powerful Vasa dynasty, which would rule until mid 17th ...