You can always change a colony to become another type of colony, but that will increase their liberty desire. 当一个殖民领成立时,你可以指定它将会成为什么样的殖民领。而后这种类型的殖民领可以在宗主国付出一些花费之后进行升级,升级后其独立倾向也会发生变化。你可以随时改变一个殖民领的类型,使其成为...
PS_BURN_COLONY 5 烧毁殖民地点数花费 PS_ATTACK_NATIVES 5 攻击土著点数花费 PS_SCORCH_EARTH 5 焦土战术点数花费 PS_CHANGE_GOVERNMENT 100 强迫变更政体点数花费 PS_CHANGE_CULTURE 10 (每发展度)转变文化点数花费 PS_CHANGE_CULTURE_OVERSEAS_RELIGION_MOD -0.8 海外同宗教省份转变文化点数花费修正 PS...
change_religion_courtchange_religion_court [court member id] [religion id]This command sets the religion of the specified court member to the religion with the specified ID. religion IDs. check_savecheck_saveThis debug command will debug your game's save system. ...
Along with the above change, we also decided that we could make Reform Progress Growth even more strategic, by adding a malus to Administrative Efficiency if being over the Government Capacity - which is something that can be countered either by the Centralize State mechanic or by getting more ...
Along with the above change, we also decided that we could make Reform Progress Growth even more strategic, by adding a malus to Administrative Efficiency if being over the Government Capacity - which is something that can be countered either by the Centralize State mechanic or by getting more ...
Each Government type can now have up to 3 ranks, with higher ranks conferring better bonuses, and higher government ranks lowering cooldown on changing your National Focus. Players with the Common Sense expansion can dynamically change their government rank through the Government screen and various ...
- Fixed a bug where the AI could invite non-native countries to a federation.- Fixed a bug where the AI would make suicidal invasions due to counting all enemy units in the area as friendly. - Change startdate buttons disabled when disabled should.- Spoils of war in economy no longer ...
Event to pick Dutch Republic now removes Parliament reform if it has been picked Event to remove Free City reform now fires correctly Events that change government type refund some reform progress Fix the automatic transportation feature Fixed CTD when selecting abandoned colony with invalid siege ...
You can now decide to declare bankruptcy on your own if you have loans. Units now use retreat animations during shattered retreat. Strengthen Government now increases absolutism by +2. Gamebalance Mercenaries now get priority in entering the battle inside their unit type (e.g. mercenary infantry...
修复了add to war effect not working when trying to add your overlord to a war。 为新增 set_emperor = yes/no on current scope。 yes sets it, no clears the emperor。 为新增 change_national_focus = ADM/DIP/MIL/none; changes the national focus for the 国家 to either of these 4。 为...