149 神圣罗马帝国 Holy Roman Empire HLR 德意志 可成立 150 克莱沃 Cleves KLE 德意志 151 科隆 Cologne KOL 德意志 152 萨克森-劳恩堡 Saxe-Lauenburg LAU 德意志 153 洛林 Lorraine LOR 法兰西 154 吕讷堡 Lüneburg LUN 德意志 155 马格德堡 Magdeburg MAG 德意志 156 美因茨 Mainz MAI 德意志 157 ...
which has you complete tasks such as ensuring that no HRE provinces are owned by non-HRE members, that there are no countries strong enough to challenge you in it (i.e. own 10 provinces and are not your subject), and that it is Holy (i.e. religious turmoil has been weathered), Rom...
He was the head of the delegation of the Holy Roman Empire for the Peace of Westphalia between 1645 and 1647 but was replaced by Johann Ludwig von Nassau-Hadamar in 1647 when his health deteriorated.He was a Knight in the Order of the Golden Fleece, Geheimer Rat, Chancellor and Oberst...
Several additional conquest missions appear throughout the tree. Following the Annex Alsace mission, you’ll be on the path to recreating Napoleon’s campaigns. Invading Switzerland, abolishing the Holy Roman Empire, “protecting” Poland and ultimately attempting an invasion of Russia will be on the...
The Holy Roman Diplomacy path is a little bit of a different story though: “神罗外交”路线则是另一个不同的故事: Unlike the conquest missions, in the Diplomatic missions your goal is to actually become the Holy Roman Emperor yourself and unite Germany not through iron and blood, but through...
Aksum can be formed by Ethiopia via their missions. The Mongol Empire can be formed by Yuan. The Holy Roman Empire can be unified by becoming its Emperor and passing its final imperial reform. All nations can do this except for the Papal State. The Roman Empire, Aotearoa, Hawai’i, and...
💭 “圣三一(Holy Trinity)”,原意指基督教的圣父、圣子、圣灵三位一体,这里指服从于教皇的三个骑士团国。 注意:如果 条顿骑士团成立了 普鲁士或者 利沃尼亚骑士团成立 库尔兰、 利沃尼亚,那么原本的国家核心同样会消失。1.34版本更新后, 教宗国和 里加有专属决议可以释放 利沃尼亚骑士团,但如果 利沃尼亚骑士团被...
Build A Roman Navy emp_pap_roman_navy The Holy League emp_pap_the_holy_league Levantine Missions emp_pap_levantine_missions Mission To China emp_pap_mission_to_china Catholic Confraternity emp_pap_catholic_alliances Support The Orders emp_pap_support_the_knightly_orders Eastern Alliances emp_pap...
pass_next_reformpass_next_reform [reform id]This console command adds the reform with the specified ID to the Holy Roman Empire. See argument information for reform IDs. pick_golden_bullpick_golden_bull [golden bull id]This command will give the Pope the Golden Bull with the specified ID. ...
- When the Protestant League wins, the religion of the Holy Roman Empire will now be set to officially Protestant (so the Catholic League no longer has a chance to reverse the victory). This was done due to the above removal of truces.- The bonus for HRE being officially your religion ...