I think this looking to be a amazing content pack/DLC. Question for the art team: Will Israel be getting unique models or will they borrow someone elses? Toggle signature Hearts of Iron IV: Also Check out my Suggestion to Fix the US Presidency in HOI4 Expanded News Events Greek Pol...
1.26版本,代号“莫卧儿”,于2018年9月6日[1]发布,校验码为6196。该版本与DLC达摩一起发布。 扩展包特性 使用政府改革来获得管理国家的全新方法。 给你最长久的烦人宿敌送出一封精心措辞的蔑视性外交侮辱信函。 新的可升级的贸易中心机制。 给印度科技组各国添加了婆罗门,耆那教徒,吠舍以及拉杰普特人阶层。
Reds = enough AE和low enough opinion to join coalition; Ambers = enough AE but not low enough opinion, so full Amber = improve opinion NOW; Greens = not enough AE to join a coalition。 Improved 发展度 mapmode so that yellow is still the median but now green is maximum instead of ...
Reds = enough AE和low enough opinion to join coalition; Ambers = enough AE but not low enough opinion, so full Amber = improve opinion NOW; Greens = not enough AE to join a coalition。 Improved 发展度 mapmode so that yellow is still the median but now green is maximum instead of ...
1.22版本,代号“俄罗斯”,于2017-06-14[1]发布,校验码为b6eb。该版本与第三罗马DLC一同发布。 扩展包特性 我们的海新的附庸国互动“征收水手”允许你从殖民领处获得水手。 哥萨克增加了一个造成+10%的冲击伤害的哥萨克单位类别。哥萨克骑兵通过与哥萨克阶层的互动来建造。