Forming Great Britain now always completes the War of the Roses mission Forming Ireland now requires owning all of Ireland. Decision now refers to areas instead of provinces. Forming Japan now disallows the Japanese gov reforms (Shogunate, Daimyo, Ind. Daimyo) ...
The Spanish mission tree is available to nations beside Aragon that form Spain, while Castile immediately has access to a reduced version of the tree prior to forming Spain. 西班牙的任务树适用于除阿拉贡以外能成立西班牙的国家,同时卡斯蒂利亚在未成立西班牙前可以立即使用一个缩水版任务树。 For the most...
A“tag” refers to a nation’s unique three-letter ID in EU4’s source code. The game checks these tags to find out which nations are eligible for things such as events and decisions. Endgame tags are nations that are not allowed to form other nations (with a few exceptions). Most ...
With the mission "Norway-Denmark" you no longer require an admin tech of 20 to form Scandinavia and you get the following event when you have Denmark as your personal union: “挪丹联合”任务让你不用在20级行政科技的要求下建立斯堪的纳维亚,当丹麦是你的被联统国的时候,你会触发以下事件: 丹麦...
least 70 development. Completing this mission rewards claims on only those parts of the British Isles owned by England or Great Britain, with the goal of the Defeat the English mission simple being to reduce their power and drive them out of London. With the English defeated, France will ...
Forming Great Britain diplomatically as Scotland will now correctly complete British missions. Fixed claim order discrepancy for Trebizond in Ottoman Missions. The two Form Sardinia-Piedmont decisions no longer have identical names Added full stop and capital letter to Dutch Embrace Humanism national idea...
Great Britain, Ascendant eng_rb_hre_emperor Colonize Spice Islands eng_rb_spice_islands Conquer Bengal gbr_rb_india_landfall Take Indian Coast gbr_rb_india_coast Take North India gbr_rb_india_landgrab Inland India gbr_rb_india_princedoms North Sea Islands eng_rb_take_shetland_and_faro_isles ...
Without the prior written consent of the Company, the Purchaser shall not decrease the price per Security or change the form of consideration payable in the Offer, decrease the number of Shares or Warrants sought to be purchased in the Offer, change the conditions set forth in Annex I, waive...
As Scotland, have France as a vassal (do not form Great Britain). 老同盟反转 逆转老同盟 作为苏格兰,附庸法兰西(不成立大不列颠)。 作为苏格兰,让法兰西成为附庸(不成立大不列颠)。 101 achievement_gothic_invasion 无 Gothic Invasion NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_8_7_NAME Start as Theodoro and conquer all Ge...
With the mission "Norway-Denmark" you no longer require an admin tech of 20 to form Scandinavia and you get the following event when you have Denmark as your personal union: “挪丹联合”任务让你不用在20级行政科技的要求下建立斯堪的纳维亚,当丹麦是你的被联统国的时候,你会触发以下事件: ...