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首先,如图为目前左版的两个群,MOD资源在群里可以获取 左版适配EU4 1.30.4,暂时没有适配新版本的计划 关于两千年与ET的关系:两千年是由狂小兔开始在Extended Timeline(中文延长时间线,以下简称ET,是创意工坊的一个老牌时间线延长mod)的基础上修改而来的mod,由于存在「版权」问题,其一直以来的很长一段时间都没有...
one has accepted 5 different cultures. Last but not least there's also a small decline in corruption. All around humanist ideas are an excellent choice for countries with many different cultures and a low income. The free choice of advisors depending on what you currently need is quite ...
Added the Nivkh culture to the Kamchatkan culture group and changed the cultures of Nivkh and its provinces. Assam has now the proper Indian unit types instead of the Chinese units. Bunyoro now starts with the Acholi culture as an accepted culture. Burgundy can no longer get rid of Charles....
Added the Nivkh culture to the Kamchatkan culture group and changed the cultures of Nivkh and its provinces. Assam has now the proper Indian unit types instead of the Chinese units. Bunyoro now starts with the Acholi culture as an accepted culture. Burgundy can no longer get rid of Charles....
首先,如图为目前左版的两个群,MOD资源在群里可以获取 左版适配EU4 1.30.4,暂时没有适配新版本的计划 关于两千年与ET的关系:两千年是由狂小兔开始在Extended Timeline(中文延长时间线,以下简称ET,是创意工坊的一个老牌时间线延长mod)的基础上修改而来的mod,由于存在「版权」问题,其一直以来的很长一段时间都没有...