Starting as Denmark, enact the Unified Kalmar Monarchy government reform and own the entire Scandinavian region as your cores. 以丹麦开局,启用“统一卡尔马君主制”政府改革,拥有所有斯堪的纳维亚地域的省份作为你的核心省份。 This achievement flows nicely with the gameplay elements introduced in 1.34 and t...
Fixed wrong scope in trigger of 'Ancestral Temple' in ideagroups.txt. Human players don't lose land when settled and the federation leader enacts the last reform. Inquisitionists can't be of a different faith as they speed missionary progress. It is no longer possible to get the Buddha dei...
First a recap: 首先回顾一下: For 1.33, we decided to change some things with combat; first mentioned in this January DD and soon amended by making backrow regiments take 60% less morale damage. The core idea was to remove some weird traps that uninitiated players (I would guess a majori...
Fixed wrong scope in trigger of 'Ancestral Temple' in ideagroups.txt. Human players don't lose land when settled and the federation leader enacts the last reform. Inquisitionists can't be of a different faith as they speed missionary progress. It is no longer possible to get the Buddha dei...
No overflow in AI choice of idea groups。Number of rebels in the text("Rebels" list) now matches the actual number of rebels。Offer Vassalization tooltip includes -1000 modifier for cases when player cannot vassalize a 国家(i。e。 Free City)。
No overflow in AI choice of idea groups。Number of rebels in the text("Rebels" list) now matches the actual number of rebels。Offer Vassalization tooltip includes -1000 modifier for cases when player cannot vassalize a 国家(i。e。 Free City)。
Will now pick idea groups dynamically instead of always using historical groups. Historical groups are weighted more highly when picking. Religion Will now cancel missionaries that have no hope of completing their assignment due to low missionary strength. Technology AI protectorates will no longer West...
Added a new option for "no limits on ideagroups" to let those who want all military ideagroups to play like that. Added "End Rivalry" peace option forcing the enemy to remove one of their Rivals. The removed Rival cannot be added again until 15 years after removed. There is now a "...
下周@Ogele会回到开发日志中,秀一秀我们第一个创作了新内容的斯堪的纳维亚国家:丹麦Denmark,还有丹麦在卡尔玛联盟中问题重重的领导地位。 翻译:Strategemata 李勋回来了 校对:113322qwe1 三等文官猹中堂 欢迎关注UP主和主播小牧Phenix! 欢迎关注牧游社微信公众号和知乎专栏!微信公众号改版为信息流,欢迎【置顶订阅】不迷...
Good afternoon and welcome to today's Developer Diary! Today's topics are new Achievements and Moddability expansion, as well as further discussion on the Idea groups changes proposed by the community and our QA. 大家下午好,欢迎来到今天的开者日志!今天的话题是新的成就和模组变化,以及我们的社区与...