age_heir [<年龄>] [<国家代码> 可选]设置当前继承人的年龄。 age_consort [<年龄>] [<国家代码> 可选]设置当前配偶的年龄。 add_backer [<省份ID>]这个省份变成国会当前议案的支持者。 add_baseunrest [<省份ID>] [<基础叛乱>]给一个省份添加基础叛乱度。
1725 欧陆风云4吧 🌸爱迪课🌸 欧陆风云4 控制台代码英语一览(有很多不知道的代码)例如leader 12 12 12 12 这就是刷出一个全部12点的陆军将军,但很多网站都没有,于是我就把英文的全部贴上来,尽量造福一下。英语好可以帮忙翻译一下。 Command Effect cash (Insert Number) [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] Extra ...
age_rulerage_ruler [years] [country tag]This console command sets the age of your ruler to the specified amount of years. Specifying a country tag as a second argument will result in this command changing the age of that country's ruler. ...
1.30 add_to_curia_treasury [<money>] 增加教廷金库的总金额。 人权add_trait [<特质代码>, <heir> 可选, <consort> 可选] 为君主/继承人/君主配偶增加君主特质。 注意:特质一定要全小写不能有空格 比如:Inspiring Leader 激励者 => 应写为 add_trait inspiring_leader 统治者永生:add_trait immortal add...
The manual is surely lying, how am I supposed to put together a large administrative body of dozens of different nations with different goals and agendas in just 15 minutes!? 这个说明明显有毛病,我怎么能在15分钟里,把一大坨目标和方针各不相同的各国行政机构搞到一起去?
- added console command 'disaster <key>" that gives 100 progress to that disaster, and starts it if trigger is valid.# Effects- Spawn_rebels effect now also takes "win = yes" to get control of the province, and "unrest = x" to add x progress to that faction.- Added an 'end_...
Any army in owned or subject territory can be drilled, provided it has a leader. All you need to do is press the target dummy button at the bottom of the army interface. Additionally, the general in command of the drilling army has a chance to raise his skills. This depends on the pe...
This is a toggle command. If mission completion for the specified mission ID is enabled, typing this command will enable it. Otherwise, it will disable it.Syntax mission [mission id] Mission ID The ID of the mission you wish to toggle mission completion for. Search Our Database of 304 EU...
The Polish event no longer removes the Command of the Military privilege as Poland cannot enact it. The Third Temple event now puts the monument always on level 3. Added go to buttons to the Ming disaster events. Corrected a small event description error for the Korean event "Korea and the...
Have a 3-star admiral or general who is in command of a unit. 拥有一位 3 级 陆军改革家顾问 移除国家修正 「《五轮书》」 获得国家修正 「武艺十八般」 持续至游戏结束,并给予以下效果: Template:Icon/军 +0.1 军事战术 +30% 补员速度 (未识别的字符串“army tradition from battle”用于 Template...