add_unrest [<CID Type>] [<CID Index>] [<Unrest>] 给一个派别增加叛乱。 使用方法:在开启debug模式后,进入国家页面的“稳定和扩张”分页,在“叛乱和潜在叛乱”这一项中,将鼠标悬停在叛军名称上即会显示type和id两项,前者为CID Type,后者为CID Index。 adm [<数值> 可选] [<国家代码> 可选] 获得行政...
change_religion_courtchange_religion_court [court member id] [religion id]This command sets the religion of the specified court member to the religion with the specified ID. religion IDs. check_savecheck_saveThis debug command will debug your game's save system. ...
Mercenary armies will now have descriptions so you can write the story behind some of the most legendary hired arms during the timeline of the game. This change aims at adding an increased sense of roleplay and help the player see the mercenary armies as a unique and alive part of the gam...
Added trigger to check/effect to change Government Reform Progress Added 106 provinces and corresponding states in India. Added 9 provinces to Tibet. Added playable Phagmodrupa tag in Tibet. Broke Nepal into its constituent states. Broke Garjat into its constitutent states. ...
Change Government Country Decisions have a cooldown of 25 years. Added end_incident (= incidentname) effect. Rebalanced, re-wrote and/or edited existing Japanese events. Added 8 Shinto Incidents. The National Bank Event now let's you choose between 50 years of inflation reduction or 50 years...
Up-to-date, detailed help for the Europa Universalis IV (EU4) command change_religion. This page includes help on how to use the command, argument explanation and examples. This command can be used to change the religion of either a country or province,
除此之外,它还有一个功能,那便是保护[Root.Monarch.GetTitle]的安全,使[Root.GetDynastyOrFallback][Root.GovernmentName]不至于遭遇仓促的垮台。我们应当建立一支完全效力于保障[Root.Monarch.GetTitle]安全的禁军。 has_high_monthly_monarch_power type = mil 如果: 仅限于: DLC Cradle of Civilization已激活...
Added on_national_focus_change on_action which is triggered when national focus is changed. Added on_war_ended with FROM being the loser and ROOT being the winner. Added triggers uses_meritocracy, uses_horde_unity and uses_republican_tradition. 其它 Added the "disables_nobility" government attri...
change_religion_court [<ruler/heir/consort/admadv/dipadv/miladv>] [<宗教>] 改变宫廷成员[统治者/继承人/配偶/行政大臣/外交大臣/军事大臣]的宗教。 check_save 检查存取耐受。 church_power [<数值> 可选] [<目标国家代码> 可选] 为玩家增加教会力量/信仰力量。( 新教、 圣公宗、 胡斯派、 犹太...
Starting as the Teutonic Order, form the Mongol Empire while having the Holy Horde government reform enacted. 以条顿骑士团开局,成立蒙古帝国,并且启用“神圣游牧”政府改革。 Why yes of course, starting as the theocracy of the Germanic Teutonic Order, turning into a special Holy Horde and subsequentl...