change_culture_court ruler (文化)这个代码可以改变君主的文化然后event culture_religion_events.22 这个事件允许你将主流文化切换至君主的文化 来自Android客户端9楼2021-11-18 09:29 收起回复 卡尔Key 清军入关 11 都用控制台了可以这样操作先释放一个你想转的主流文化的小国然后tag到他然后用改主流文化的代码...
change_culture_court [<ruler/heir/consort/admadv/dipadv/miladv>] [<文化>]改变宫廷成员[统治者/继承人/配偶/行政大臣/外交大臣/军事大臣]的文化。 change_religion [<省份ID>/<国家代码>] [<宗教>]改变指定省份/国家宗教。 宗教标识如下: 天主教: catholic ...
分享21 欧陆风云4吧 ✨✨C✨✨ 大佬们,文化代码在哪找啊,wiki上也没有啊控制台指令里有一个: change_culture_court [<ruler/heir/consort/admadv/dipadv/miladv>] [<文化>] 改变宫廷成员[统治者/继承人/配偶/行政大臣/外交大臣/军事大臣]的文化。 但文化代码没有怎么改啊 分享21 欧陆风云4吧 向往...
- Added change_graphical_culture effect- add_unit_construction now takes a specific historical unit type- add_unit_construction can now build mercenary units- Added add_building_construction effect- Added add_core_construction effect- change_tag now accepts all standard arguments on right-side- ...
change_culture_courtchange_culture_court [court member id] [culture id]This command sets the culture of the specified court member. See argument information for court member types and culture IDs. change_religion_courtchange_religion_court [court member id] [religion id]This command sets the reli...
Now while the Culture and Religion in your court is available for all nations, let's look at a nation where historically this mattered a lot: Mamluks.Mamluks now have their titular unique Government type: The Mamluk Government, where the ruling class' culture is of great importance. The Mamlu...
增加了可检测“当一个省的宗教和文化改变时” - on_province_religion_changed 和 on_province_culture_changed 天朝的天命改革可以使用所有神圣罗马帝国使用的成员国和省份修正(别想了,这条肯定没实装,就是给mod发挥的) 添加附属国互动 seize_court_resources = yes/no #附属国互动,立即给你的附属国 +25% 的...
Not shown but will be in the final version: taking the decision will also change your primary culture to Brazilian. 还有一点在图片中未显示,但将出现在最终版本。采取这个决议会同时将你的主流文化变为巴西。 Finally we have Navarra. Navarra's mission tree will be entirely free for anyone playing ...
- 增加了可检测“当一个省的宗教和文化改变时” - on_province_religion_changed 和 on_province_culture_changed - 天朝的天命改革可以使用所有神圣罗马帝国使用的成员国和省份修正(别想了,这条肯定没实装,就是给mod发挥的) - 添加附属国互动 seize_court_resources = yes/no #附属国互动,立即给你的附属国 ...
Popup informing you that overlord placated your rulers now shows correct liberty desire change. Can now zoom on provinces in macro builder culture view by right clicking on the buttons. Text explaining a royal marriage will no longer list legitimacy reduction for countries that don't use legitima...