- Chance of rebels making progress towards a revolt is now less linear, small factions will progress faster but large factions will progress a bit slower.- Pretender Rebels no longer evaporate at the rulers death.- Can no longer negotiate with Patriots and Nationalists while at war.# Subjects...
father of the Serbian ruler in charge at the start of the Grand Campaign, agreed to become a nominalvassalof Hungary during his reign, and in return received the city of Belgrade, now modern
Moved religious locks from before the year 1650 to be valid from script in Age of Discovery & Age of Reformation only. added better and worse comparisons to other players in statistics page. [Art of War] Automatic Fleet Transport now docks to pick up and drop off your armies when possible...
The clergy privilege "Embrace Singular Cult" will no longer grant you a stability on ruler death when you have the States General government reform. The province war score cost custom nation idea has been adjusted in order to bring it in line with the war score cost against other religion id...
Added support to specify that ruler should have "historical dynasty" from the country's history when defining a ruler. Add has_center_of_trade_of_level and num_of_centers_of_trade triggers. 增加"province_has_center_of_trade" 触发条件. ...
Added a new ledger page to show accumulated score per age. Can now sort by impact of modifiers in development view of the macrobuilder. Added message for when golden era ends for the player. Added a mapmode for devastation. Discovered Spynetworks now have their size colored red in the outl...
Ruler skill now costs less points in governments with term durations. Changed maximum number of Custom Nations, Client States and Colonial Nations to 75 each. Power Projection Eclipsed rival is now +10 power projection (up from +5). Power Projection now gives a Prestige Bonus of up to +0.5...
Have a ruler with 1 or lower in all three categories who is over the age of 70. 请你去世 请去死吧 拥有一个三项属性均不高于1的君主,并且年龄在70岁以上。 君主三项能力均不超过1,并活到70岁以上。 91 achievement_holy_trinity 无 Holy Trinity NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_7_29_NAME As the Papacy,...