To begin, I'll hand you over to @Caligula Caesar for a look at the Austrian mission tree. 首先,各位请听@Caligula Caesar解说,看看奥地利的任务树。 Austria already had quite a few missions, largely focusing on them acquiring their historical territories and solidifying their position as Emperor. ...
Complete the Austrian mission tree. AEIOU AEIOU 完成奥地利任务树。完成奥地利任务树 完成奥地利任务树。 297 achievement_napoleons_ambition spread_revolution_ten_times_tt Napoleon’s Ambition NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_46_NAME As Revolutionary France, spread the Revolution to 10 countries. 拿破仑的野心 拿破...
Poland has other issues, it has wrong mechanics and events from very old Res Publica that need some fix, also it's neglected compared to other great powers(maybe excluding Austria but it's rework is obvious in next dlc) despite polish patch and modern mission tree. I know it's kinda ...
Purple Phoenix Mission to conquer Alexandria will no longer require that the Darnah province in Cyrenaica for success. The Austrian Mission "Decline of Hungary" now requires Hungary to have lost control over the Transylvania, Slovakia or Alföld areas before it can be taken. No longer possible ...
Naval exploration missions from El Dorado are initiated when you click on Terra Incognita (if corresponding exploration mission is possible). Massive rework to Random New World from Conquest of Paradise, now uses a tile-based system with custom scenarios to create far more interesting and believable...
296 achievement_aeiou completed_austrian_missions AEIOU NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_45_NAME Complete the Austrian mission tree. AEIOU AEIOU 完成奥地利任务树。完成奥地利任务树 完成奥地利任务树。 297 achievement_napoleons_ambition spread_revolution_ten_times_tt Napoleon’s Ambition NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_46_NAME ...