if either of them dies before both become king, the other will also die, so that one doesn't end up wondering why hunting accidents don't cross borders. Thirdly, if Ladislaus survives to become Archduke and King, Austria will become the senior PU partner of Hungary. ...
Event that grants Austria a claim on Hungary's throne will now only do so if you don't have one already. AI republics will no longer refuse to form Italy. Fixed that defensiveness was global from trade company investements rather than local. ...
Forming Austria now gives permanent claims on Inner Austria and Austria Proper. Semien, Damot, Ennarea, Kaffa, Janjiro, Welayta, Shewa and Medri Bahri will now all use Ethiopia's DLC units for those that have them. Hadiya will now use the Somali DLC units for those that have them. Do...
Forming Austria now gives permanent claims on Inner Austria and Austria Proper. Semien, Damot, Ennarea, Kaffa, Janjiro, Welayta, Shewa and Medri Bahri will now all use Ethiopia's DLC units for those that have them. Hadiya will now use the Somali DLC units for those that have them. ...
As Burgundy, own the Low Countries region as core provinces and have France and Austria as your subjects. 勃艮第的征服 勃艮第征服 作为勃艮第,拥有全部低地区域作为核心省份,并拥有法国和奥地利作为附属国。 作为勃艮第,拥有低地地区的所有省份及核心,拥有属国法兰西与奥地利。 154 achievement_the_third_way...