add_unrestadd_unrest [cid type] [cid index] [amount]This console command adds the specified amount of unrest (advancement) to the specified faction. See argument information for help with CID Type and Index. age_consortage_consort [years] [country tag]This cheat sets the age of your country...
1.30 add_to_curia_treasury [<money>] 增加教廷金库的总金额。 人权add_trait [<特质代码>, <heir> 可选, <consort> 可选] 为君主/继承人/君主配偶增加君主特质。 注意:特质一定要全小写不能有空格 比如:Inspiring Leader 激励者 => 应写为 add_trait inspiring_leader 统治者永生:add_trait immortal add...
Command Effect cash (Insert Number) [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] Extra Money manpower (Insert Number) [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] Extra Manpower (in thousands) sailors (Insert Number) [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] Extra Sailors piety [<AMOUNT> OPTIONAL] [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] Add Piety. Gives 10 ...
Command Effect cash (Insert Number) [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] Extra Money manpower (Insert Number) [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] Extra Manpower (in thousands) sailors (Insert Number) [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] Extra Sailors piety [<AMOUNT> OPTIONAL] [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] Add Piety. Gives 10 ...
Added console commands 'trust' and 'favors' Added console command 'own_core' (same as 'own' but also adds a core) Added console command add_loyalty [estate name] [amount] Added cheat "add_permanent_claim" Added 'rgb' console command that prints the desired number of random RGB values to...
Added console command to toggle mission completion. 支持南半球季节。 Added support for setting "special_unit_type" in Country files, allowing unit entities to use this instead of country tag/graphical culture (E.g. "south_east_asian_INFANTRY_1" would be used by countries with special_unit_typ...
2 Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you. 3 You saw with your own eyes what the Lord did at Baal Peor. The Lord your God destroyed from among you everyone who followed the Baal of Peor, 4 but...
Command Effect cash (Insert Number) [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] Extra Money manpower (Insert Number) [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] Extra Manpower (in thousands) sailors (Insert Number) [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] Extra Sailors piety [<AMOUNT> OPTIONAL] [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] Add Piety. Gives 10 ...
Added console commands 'trust' and 'favors' Added console command 'own_core' (same as 'own' but also adds a core) Added console command add_loyalty [estate name] [amount] Added cheat "add_permanent_claim" Added 'rgb' console command that prints the desired number of random RGB values to...
"yesman" console command now only works when the sender of the action is the player. Added customizable localization. Added modifier artillery_bonus_vs_fort = x. Added uses_isolationism (= yes/no) trigger. Added isolationism (= value) trigger. ...