GermanyDE1234567899 characters GreeceEL1234567899 characters HungaryHU123456788 characters IrelandIE1234567WA (companies) 1234567FA (individuals)8 or 9 charactersIncludes one or two alphabetical characters (last, or second and last, or last two)
Once a company has received approval for an VAT number, see our EU VAT Number Registrationbriefing, it will receive a VAT number. Each EU member country has a slightly different format for their VAT number system, featuring a variation of numbers and letters. It is important that companies ta...
Number of EU sales list linesSetupFor general setup information, see EU Sales list reporting.Set up company informationCreate a registration type, and assign it to the VAT ID registration category for Germany and all the countries or regions that your company does business with. For more informat...
Re:VAT refund from Germany as a non-EU citizen Hello, The address for Digital River will be on the invoice you received, where you would need to send the documents. Since you purchased the system Lenovo no longer sell in Germany through Digital River and I have no contact details for...
Once the obligation to get an EU VAT registration number has been established, the process can begin. Companies must be VAT (EU companies) or tax (non-EU companies) registered in their home nations. They’ll then be required to complete and submit a local VAT registration form, along with...
7.2 Entering VAT Registration Numbers To export goods free of VAT, you must have the VAT registration number of your customers in other EU countries and send your own VAT registration numbers to your suppliers. The length and format of these numbers varies by country. In Germany specifically, ...
threshold. For example, €100,000 for Germany and €35,000 for France. On July 1, these distance selling thresholds will be withdrawn. Cross-border sellers will be required to charge the VAT rate of the buyer’s country of residence from their first sale, unless the micro-business ...
The return forms and filing frequency vary per country. How often you need to file may also depend on your annual sales revenue. For example, in Germany, the standard filing period is quarterly, but sellers whose tax payable exceeded €7,500 in the previous year must file monthly, and sell...
On the Invoice and delivery FastTab, in the Tax exempt number field, select the VAT registration number. Setup: Sales tax Set up the tax codes to include on the EU Sales list report on the Sales tax codes page (click Tax > Indirect taxes > Sales tax > Sales tax codes). On the ...
I use VAT Digital as our agent for VAT in both Germany and Ireland – including setting us up in Ireland. The service we receive is always first class – including timely reminders to submit data when necessary. Whenever I’ve had queries on the correct treatment of particular items they ar...