BIAM methodology was first applied monthly to forecast Spanish inflation at the Research Unit of the Bank of Spain, and since 1994 at the Boletín de Inflación y Análisis Macroeconómico at the Flores de Lemus Institute of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. In 1999, it became the ...
Exchange rate volatility is also expected to distress stock returns; for example, when EUR depreciates and USD appreciates, taking into account that American investors own shares Energies 2019, 12, 4072; doi:10.3390/en12214072 EEnneerrggiieess22001199,,1122,,4x0F72...
In both scenarios, consumption growth for paper decreases, potentially due to progress in technology. In comparison to consumption, European production is in general projected to outgrow consumption in both scenarios, increasing the self-sufficiency rate as regards industrial products. According to the ...
In order to check dataset soundness for model's scopes, the methodology also compares the collected forecasts to the existing market conditions, using the EU-28 global passenger car fleet turnover rate as a threshold for xEV fleet forecast growth rate. Being the xEV market relatively new and ...