Bordignon, Massimo (2005), Institutional aspects of EU organization: an economic analysis, paper prepared for the CESifo-Delphi 2004 Conference.Bordignon, M. (2005), Institutional aspects of EU organization: an economic analysis, paper prepared for the CESifo-Delphi 2004 Conference, January 2005...
As a political entity, the European Union is represented in the World Trade Organization (WTO). Two of the original core objectives of the European Economic Community were the development of a common market, subsequently becoming a single market, and a customs union between its member states. 【...
联合国安理会 (3)TheEconomicandSocialCouncilESC联合国经济及社会理事会 (4)TheTrusteeshipcouncil TC 托管理事会 (5)TheInternationalCourtofJusticeICJ国际法院 (6)TheSecretariat ST 联合国秘书处 2.NATO NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization北大西洋公约组织 amilitaryallianceof26countriesfromNorthAmericaandEuropecommittedto...
OPEC ——石油输出国组织 1960年9月,由伊朗、伊拉克、科威特、沙特阿拉伯和委内瑞拉的代表在巴格达开会,决定联合起来共同对付西方石油公司,维护石油收入,14日,五国宣告成立石油输出国组织 (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries——OPEC) ,简称“欧佩克”。随着成员的增加,欧佩克发展成为亚洲、非洲...
Shipping organizations issued a statement on the reform of the Union Customs Code (UCC) that was adopted by the EU.
She said the EU is ready to strengthen dialogue and communication with China and work with China to deepen cooperation in tackling climate change and promoting the reform of the World Trade Organization, enhance people-to-people exchanges, and push for further development of EU-China relations.■...
Each of the 27 member states of the EU will have to appoint an existing body or set up a new organization that will oversee, supervise, and enforce the CRA legislative requirements and safeguards. If such a new market surveillance authority considers that a product with digital elements poses ...
The role of the informal organization in decision making on research and development In particular, we argue that a study of the informal organizations of researchers may offer insights in the administration of such personnel that can lead... DW Conrath - 《Engineering Management IEEE Transactions ...
The two sides will strengthen cooperation on carbon emissions trading, adhere to and practice multilateralism, strengthen coordination within the United Nations and other multilateral frameworks, push for necessary reform of the World Trade Organization, and work together to address global challenges such ...
Kissack, R., `EU Actorness in the International Labour Organization: Comparing Declaratory and Voting Cohesion'. Global Society, Vol. 22, No 4. London: Routledge. 2008Kissack, R. (2008) `EU actorness in the International Labour Organization: comparing declaratory and voting cohesion', Global ...