The European Union has put in place strict rules that govern food quality. The prestige this has created around the world has made the bloc competitive at the highest level. EURACTIV’s partner EFEAgro reports.
Magdalena RosińskaBukowska
the new EU pesticide regulation, the EU proposal to deregulate new GMOs and the Sustainable Food Systems Law. The new GMO proposal aside, they all have the potential to completely transform our food system for the better. Only the future will tell what the new ...
We present an analysis of the intra-industry nature of agri-food trade between Hungary and the European Union, following the Association Agreement signed in 1991. A slight growth in intra-industry trade (IIT) is indicated by the Grubel-Lloyd index. However, it is not uniform by product group...
Trade agreements with the European Union (EU) and Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) significantly influenced the liberalisation of agri-food products in Western Balkan (WB) countries. In all Western Balkan countries, there has been an intensification of the trade of agri-food products ...
The EU cemented its position as the largest global exporter and importer of agri-food products in 2017, official data has shown.The European Union has once again emerged as the global leader in agri-food trade in 2017, with imports and exports for the year totalling €255 billion. EU ...
The findings indicate that 67% of the 24 agri-food products considered in the EU-28 show a comparative advantage for Asian markets. Furthermore, the results obtained from the application of a multivariate analysis offer a new insight, demonstrating an increase over the last decade in ...
Euractiv sat down with General Robert Brieger to discuss Europe's defence priorities and EU missions in Africa. Agrifood 13:00 Keep trading and don’t forget China, says former EU agriculture boss Fischler Est. 4min In an interview with Euractiv, former EU commissioner for agriculture Franz...
The coronavirus pandemic caused economic havoc for the agri-food sector worldwide after it led to the closure of key markets like the hospitality and food service sectors – and the EU has been no exception. At the core of the problem rests the interlinked nature of the EU agri-food market...
The Romanian agri-food trade increased significantly since joining the EU. As compared to the 2006 (last year before accession), in the first membership decade exports increased 6.9 times and imports 2.5 times, diminishing the 2008 EUR 2.2 billion agri-food trade deficit as much as to turn pos...