根据EU ETS规定,进出欧盟航程需承担50%排放责任,在欧盟内则为100%,航运公司风险与成本骤增。OceanScore董事总经理Albrecht Grell指出,航速提升虽部分弥补了运力缺口,但油耗与排放亦受影响。以14000TEU集装箱船为例,所需EUA从每航次1800个涨至5200个。根据从2024年1月1日起EU ETS采取分阶段实施的要求,即2024年...
航运“碳税”(EUETS)服务平台:全流程托管,专业服务!降成本控风险! 中财数碳推出的16项全面服务旨在有效降低40%的履约成本,并将船东的履约风险降低30%以上。其中,其全网独家推出的航运“碳税”AI服务尤为引人注目。该服务由教授级专家全程指导,实时播报欧盟碳排放许可证(EUA)价格,生成交易策略,监测风险并提供预警,同...
EU ETS Fact Box Unit: European Union Allowance (EUA) – one EUA is equivalent of one tonne of CO2 EUA price: Variable; during 2022, its minimum price was €58.30/tonne CO2 on 7th of March and peaked at €98.01/tonne on 19th of August. So far 2023, the EUA has traded above €100...
The EU ETS Carbon Price: To Intervene, or Not to - Sartor - 2012 () Citation Context ...lowances decreases with surplus allowances being banked 19 , thereby possibly further reducing the carbon price in the future. For example, after approving the draft EED the EUA price dropped by 20%...
根据从2024年1月1日起EU ETS采取分阶段实施的要求,即2024年涵盖总排放量的40%、2025年为70%、2026年为100%。如果按照目前约55欧元的EUA的现行市价计算,这将意味着今年每航次EUA成本增加近三倍,即从每航次9.8万欧元增加到28.5万欧元,或相当于单箱成本(TEU)增加18欧元。
We investigate the price determination of the European Union emission allowance (EUA) of the European Union emissions trading scheme (EU ETS). We postulate an uncertain permit price and risk-averse firms which have the possibility to hedge in the forward market. The firms produce final goods, ab...
EU ETS in Shipping Introduction of carbon pricing from 2024 From 2024 all shipping companies transporting cargo above 5000 gross tonnage are required to purchase and submit 1 European Union Allowance (EUA) to the EU annually for every 1 ton of reported CO2. The price of EU ETS allowances (...
Read about the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) to combat climate change, and how it will apply to shipping.
“It is vitally important that non-EU actors engaged in trading vessels to and from the EU also become fully up to speed with the regulation and put systems in place to manage and mitigate their EUA liabilities,” said Mr Grell. The MD of ETS management platform Zero44, Friederike Hesse,...