其中,搭建碳排放权交易市场更是成为了各国实现碳达峰与碳中和目标的核心政策工具之一。在前文中,我们为大家简要介绍了欧盟、北美、韩国这三个地区的碳排放权交易体系,本文则将详细介绍欧盟碳排放权交易体系(EU Emissions Trading System,EU ETS)的背景、法律框架、具体运行、应对“碳泄漏”的具体措施等内容。 作为一...
[1] 英国脱欧后成员国数量为二十七个,英国直至2021年4月30日依然履行其在EU ETS的成员国义务。 [2] Leonardo Massai, 'The Revision of the EU Emissions Trading System' 7 European Energy Law Report 3 [3] Development of EU ETS (2005-2020), https://climate.ec.europa.eu/eu-action/eu-emissions-...
Operational since 2005, the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is the oldest cap-and-trade systemin force. It is a cornerstone instrument of the EU’s policy framework to combat climate change under the “European Green Deal” and reduce GHG emissions cost-effectively. Until 2023...
[1] 英国脱欧后成员国数量为二十七个,英国直至2021年4月30日依然履行其在EU ETS的成员国义务。 [2] Leonardo Massai, 'The Revision of the EU Emissions Trading System' 7 European Energy Law Report 3 [3] Development of EU ...
欧盟为了履行其在国际气候协议,如《京都议定书》中的承诺,实现温室气体排放量的显著减少,决定建立一种创新机制来推动成员国实现减排目标。这种机制就是排放交易体系(The EU Emissions Trading System,EU-ETS),它利用市场机制来激励企业减少温室气体排放。 欧盟碳排放权交易体系起源于2005年,是依据欧盟指令(2003/87/EC...
The EU emissions trading system: Failing to deliver. https://ec.europa.eu/clima/sites/clima/files/docs/0005/registered/ 9825553393-31_friends_of_the_earth_europe_en.pdf (Accessed 17.01.18.).Friends of the Earth Europe. 2010. The EU Emissions Trading System: failing to deliver 2010. [pdf]...
Maritime transport: As of January 1, 2024, the ETS will start covering emissions from large ships on intra-EU voyages and 50% of emissions with non-EU legs. Source:https://en.wikipedia.org What is the EU ETS allowance? In the EU Emission Trading System (ETS), an allowance is like the...
Climate Change: The European Union's Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS) Larry Parker.Climate Change:The European Union’’s Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS).http://www.usembassy.it/pdf/other/RL33581.pdf. 2006... L Parker - Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress 被引量: 23发表...
欧盟排放交易体系(EU Emissions Trading System)是欧盟应对气候变化政策提出的兼具经济效益和成本效益的减排工具,也是目前全球规模最大、最成熟的首个跨国排放交易体系。该体系纳入了欧盟成员国以及冰岛,列支…
The Emissions Trading System (ETS) aims to create a financial incentive for shipping companies to reduce their GHG Emissions in accordance with EU’s aim of being climate neutral by 2050 (e.g. running an economy with net-zero greenhouse gas emissions)....