包括航空业在内,免费配额所占比例为54.75%,但2003/87/EC规定2021年拍卖比例为57%,且EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) data viewer数据与2021EU Carbon Market Report存在一定出入,该数据差异待笔者进一步研究。各行业配额数据如下:
industry and air transport sector, covering 45% of the European emissions [21]. The Effort Sharing Regulation as part of the ESL operates on the other half of the GHGs (55%) with the focus on the transport, building andagriculturesector as well as small industrial installations [22]. Theref...
Hydrogen provides a solution for those segments of the transport system where emission reductions are difficult to achieve. 4. Increase in Prices of Allowances for Carbon Emissions The EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is an EU incentive for cost-effective decarbonisation, in all sectors cove...
Most countries have been opposed to pricing agricultural emissions through a carbon tax or emissions trading scheme (ETS) [3,23,24]. New Zealand has attempted to integrate agriculture into its national ETS, yet ultimately reversed this decision [20]. However, some countries do allow the use of...
Indicatively, the CC strategy for reducing the global temperature was established, later with the Kyoto Protocol [4] and the Emissions Trading Systems (ETS) [5], the 20-20-20 targets [6], and the Paris Climate Agreement [7]. Efforts to curb CC culminated in December 2019 with the ...