" said Laurent Bardon, first counsellor for Climate Action and Environment at the European Union (EU) Delegation to China, while joining a recent interview with China News Network in Beijing.
In July this year, an EU delegation went for Shenzhen in South China's Guangdong province, seeking for the successful experience to see what Shenzhen has done for climate resilience. From his perspectives, Europe can learn from what China has achieved to the benefit of them. On the other han...
In July this year, an EU delegation went for Shenzhen in South China's Guangdong province, seeking for the successful experience to see what Shenzhen has done for climate resilience. From his perspectives, Europe can learn from what China has achieved to the benefit of them. On the other han...
The EU Delegation to China held a reception to mark Europe Day on Tuesday in Beijing, where the EU Delegation set up a cultural square with booths of the 27 EU member states to showcase the diversity of the European cuisines and cultures. EU Ambassador to China Jorge Toledo and Vice Minist...
European Union Delegation to China (EU Delegation) EU Delegation is the governmental body of the EU in China. It gives the necessary political support to the SUP project under the Partnership. European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC) EUCCC is the European Chamber of Commerce in China...
The European Chamber Nanjing Chapter is delighted to invite you to meet with the newly appointed Minister Counsellor for trade at the EU Delegation to China Ms. Marjut Hannonen in the afternoon ofThursday, July 20th, in ...
#eu60# 欧盟60周年 — 欧洲日在北京品尝比利时美食 5月9日,约一千人参观体验了《欧洲味道》-- #北京·EU Delegation to China 欧盟驻华代表团[地点]# 的花园里举办的庆祝活动。 一起分享来自欧盟各成员国的美...
The political initiative should also constitute a platform for member states to leverage their existing and future actions in the field of urbanisation in China. The Stakeholders European Union Delegation to China (EU Delegation) EU Delegation is the governmental body of the EU in China. The ...
EU-China Research & Innovation Cooperation 欧盟 - 中国科研与创新合作 Horizon 2020 Laurent Bochereau 地平线2020HMAAtleietnaxacaisdhnetdeo,raSrfcLCieehnomcuea,nnTsnecehlnloorlogy and Environment Section NSeopvteembbeerr 2014 EU Delegation to China and Mongolia 2014年 ∙ 9月 Contents 内容 1. ...
is joined by Damien Plan, agricultural counsellor at the European Union (EU) Delegation to China, to talk about the development of the landmark bilateral agreement on Geographical Indications (GI) between the EU and China...