COMPUTER lawsINTERNET service providersThe article focuses on whether the transmission of pseudonymous data constitutes a violation of data protection laws, particularly when the receiver lacks the means to re-identify individuals. Topics discussed include the legal framework surroundi...
The long arm of EU data protection law: Does the Data Protection Directive apply to processing of personal data of EU citizens by websites worldwide?doi:10.1093/idpl/ipq004Discusses the key concepts of the provision for applicability of EU data protection laws to non-EU websites and provides...
2: Data protection laws in the EU. European Commission, 2010. Available at privacy/docs/studies/new_privacy_challenges/final_report_working_paper_2_en.pdf. 32 Nuffield Council on Bioethics: The collection, linking and use of data in biomedical research ...
GDPR brought about the biggest overhaul of EU data protection law in more than 20 years and represented an attempt by EU policy makers to ensure the law on the collection, use, sharing and protection of personal data was fit for the digital age.
included: enablinglegislation;information sharing,data protectionandconfidentiality; organizational issues; [...] 这些问题包括:授权性立法;信息共享、数据保护和保密;组织问题;单一窗口设施运营人的赔偿责任;竞争法; 电子单证的使用;知识产权;数据保留和重新使用数据的限制,...
The new data protection laws integrate the “right to be forgotten,” which was strengthened by a positive ruling during the second quarter of 2014. This allows users to request for search engines to remove search results related to them on search results. In addition, businesses wil...
Data Protection LawPersonal DataSensitive DataCyberpunkMemory DigitisationEvery new medium through which information can be communicated is likely to bring new challenges for the established data protection laws and paradigms. In the light of progressing research aimed at deciphering the human brain, this...
The Directive did not directly address the need to confirm the identity of data subjects (although this is something the national laws of many Member States addressed). Rec.57, 64; Art.12(2), (6) The controller must not refuse to give effect to the rights of a data subject unless the...
The GDPR requires businesses and organizations to obtain parental consent to process the personal data of children under the age of 16. Does the US have any legal equivalent to the GDPR? No. Most states have their own laws governing data breaches and notification requirements, and most apply to...
Europe’s flagship data protection laws are already out of date and must be heavily revised for a post-pandemic world, said a member of the European parliament who spent years drafting the measures. Axel Voss, one of the fathers of the General Data Protection Regulation, told the Financial Ti...