Or maybe the fact that one can travel freely from one to another country in EU crossing borders with 100 kmph happened by itself. Or the fact that any EU citizen can work in any other country and retire anywhere by combining the pension contributions from all countries where he worked and ...
Does the Chinese embassy in Addis issue a visa for. Hong Kong and Macau for...
The US doesn't care, and neither does the EU. You will probably never have to show your US passport to an EU official, but if you do, and if they ask about your lack of an exit stamp, just tell them that you're an Italian citizen and show them your Italia...
Under that state of emergency, some 50,000 people have been jailed pending trial - including a German citizen working with a human rights group - and around 150,000 suspended or dismissed from their jobs. Asked where he saw Turkey's chances of EU accession in a year's time, Hahn said ...
“The problem I have with the United States, while I’m a US citizen, is that they tend to point the finger; accuse other countries around the world of human rights violations, but they don’t take responsibility for their own. So I think it’s hypocritical and it’s all part of geo...
How to prove a relationship when my unmarried non-EU partner travels to the UK with a 'Family member of an EU citizen' residence card? 3 Travel from UK to France as a non-European UK resident during Covid-19 restrictions 2 Can I travel to the USA as ...
Applying for a Visa in Prague without being an official Czech resident
You may be eligible to apply for an EU Blue Card depending on the type of work you do. The EU Blue Card gives you work rights across most EU member nations. The eligibility for an EU Blue Card is as below: You must be a citizen of a country outside of the EU You should be high...
Washington Times’ publishes expose that could sink Hillary Clinton's Presidential hopes. Tapes Confirm Citizen Commission’s findings on Benghazi screw up that cost American lives. Hillary Clinton has once again delayed formally announcing her intention to run for the White House in ...
Citizenship of an EU Member State conveys the right to travel, work . PLAY NOW On Brexit Day, find out which countries your players can quickly gain EU nationality in To assess a player's compatibility with a position, FM versions of old used a colour scheme. FY 2021 Quarter 4 (PDF, ...