原文链接:https://carbonmarketwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/cmw_report-2.pdf 这么看的话CBAM有点名不正言不顺了 ——零碳君 温馨提示:阅读本文大约需要6分钟 在气候面临挑战的过去一年中,碳市场观察(Carbon Market W...
The author cites on the status of Europe's carbon market as of October 2011. According to the author, the carbon market is set for growth. The author believes that the emissions trading scheme of Europe which has experienced difficulties since its launch in 2005 could become a blueprint to ...
包括航空业在内,免费配额所占比例为54.75%,但2003/87/EC规定2021年拍卖比例为57%,且EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) data viewer数据与2021EU Carbon Market Report存在一定出入,该数据差异待笔者进一步研究。各行业配额数据如下:
London — EU carbon dioxide allowance prices are likely to average Eur35/mt to Eur40/mt (about $40-$46/mt) over the period 2019-23, accelerating coal-to-gas fuel switching in the power generating sector, UK-based non-governmental risk analysis group Carbon Tracker said in a report Tuesday...
Global corporate targets and strict EU regulations, 95% of BCS 2023 respondents currently pursuing carbon neutrality aim to decarbonise their China operations by 2050. Furthermore, almost half (46%) of this group aim to...
The report from an investigation conducted by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the markets watchdog, concluded in March that there were “no major deficiencies in the functioning of the EU carbon market”. BNEF also sees more benefits in a relatively unconstrained European ...
欧洲碳排放交易体系企业数据库为客户提供了明显的竞争优势。 其提供的服务如下: 帮助投资者和中间商了解市场上碳资产的分布情况 (排放配额组合, 年度买卖头寸,企业排名, 行业分类, ...) 以制定成功的交易策略 帮助电力投资者和分析师更好的评估跨产品运作的可能性 ...
Carbon Action Report 2023: How Buyers and Suppliers in the EcoVadis Network Are Accelerating Their Decarbonization Journeys The second edition of our Carbon Action Report draws upon data from 40,000+ carbon performance ratings to provide insights into the state of climate action in the EcoVadis net...
EU - General and Market Reports First Meeting of Ecodesign Forum to Take Place in February Garments, Textiles & Accessories, EU Political Voices Push for Green Deal Suspension and Simplification of EU Regulations Environmental Protection, France ...
ESMA Market Report of 7 October 2024(EU carbon markets 2024, ESMA50-43599798-10379) contains the following data regarding positionsin EUA derivatives in 2023: Average daily number of position holders 783 Compliance entities and other non-financials 205 ...