US & CA SizesUK SizesEU SizesAU SizesInchesCM 0.501603.25"8.3 10.5160.53.5"8.9 1.511713.625"9.2 211713.75"9.5 2.51.5181.54"10.2 321824.125"10.5 3.52.5192.54.25"10.8 431934.5"11.4 4.53.5203.54.625"11.7 542044.75"12.1 US & CA = United States & Canada, UK = United Kingdom, EU = Europe, AU...
Filter ByClear All View By Category Price Range From€ To€ Sizes Clear Sizes (8) Small (4) Medium (3) Large (2) X-Large (1) Small / Medium (1) Womens Shoe Size 37 EU (6) Womens Shoe Size 38 EU (6) Womens Shoe Size 39 EU (6) Womens Shoe Size 40 EU (6) Womens Shoe Si...
Recently, a small number of scientific papers have been published that aim to quantify the impact of regulatory limits. For example, [13] shows that the throughput of 802.11ah networks using high data rate, polling sequences, and packet sizes (e.g., healthcare use cases) is severely impacte...
Rethinking Sustainable Development in Terms of Justice: Issues of Theory, Law and Governance; Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2019. [Google Scholar] Blokker, N.M.; Dam-de Jong, D.; Prislan, V. Furthering the Frontiers of International Law: Sovereignty, Human Rights, ...
The element sizes adopted for the tungsten and Eurofer domains have been selected so as to have comparable mesh sizes with the FEM model developed in [7], thus avoiding interpolation issues in the temperature mapping required to perform the following thermo-mechanical analyses. The complete mesh,...
Several feeder insects of different sizes were placed in the container: some were able to escape from the container and some remained inside. The last type of enrichment was a new object in the form of a rubber dog toy (Trixie, Tarp, Germany). The last enrichment was not related to any...
SSuuppppoortrtffoorraaggrriiccuultltuurraallaaccttiivvititieiess""tthhrroouugghh sseeccuurree aanndd equal access to llaand, ootthheerr pprroodduuccttiivvee rreessoouurrcceessanadnidnpiuntps,uktsn,owknleodwgele,dfignea,ncfiianlasnecrivailcese, rmvaicrekse,tsmanadrkoeptspoartnud- onpiptioer...