The investigation of human eugenics, that is, of the conditions under which men of a high type are produced. [Galton, "Human Faculty," 1883] Ewen seeOwen. Advertisement Trends ofOwen ShareOwen ‘cite’ ...
late 14c.,soverainte, "pre-eminence, excellence, superiority;" also "authority, rule, supremacy of power or rank," from Anglo-Frenchsovereynete, Old Frenchsouverainete, fromsoverain(seesovereign(adj.)). The meaning "existence as an independent state" is from 1715; the general sense of "sta...
Dealing with the first of these, though it's pleasing to think couples looking to procreate in those Dark Old Days had to first obtain the sovereign's permission and then post a notice of what they were up to so all the neighbors could enjoy a good snicker, a moment's thought should ...
, from Latin princeps (genitive principis) "first man, chief leader; ruler, sovereign," noun use of adjective meaning "that takes first," from primus "first" (see prime (adj.)) + root of capere "to take" (see capable). German cognate fürst, from Old High German furist "first," ...
The word comes via Old French taxer from Latin taxāre ‘touch, assess, appraise’, a derivative of tangere ‘touch’ (source of English contact, tangible, etc). From taxāre was derived the medieval Latin noun taxa ‘tax, piece of work imposed’, which passed into English via Anglo-...
Joshua is the Hebrew original of the Greek name Jesus, who embodies the Word and is called Christ (which means anointed or sovereign). And we modern humans can either be in Christ or under Christ, and the difference is a matter of simple geometry: We are in Christ, when we too are ...
A word that keeps propping up in discussions of these crimes is Topheth, descriptive of the hellish installation used to burn children alive, and associated with a valley relatively close to Jerusalem but on the border of Judah. In the word of Jeremiah: "They have built the high places of...
Grand Master of the Order of the Temple,orGeneral Master, orSovereign Master; he was the knight elected by the Council of the Order and General Chapter. The election was ‘for life'. In ItalianMaestro, Grand Maestro, Sovrano. In FrenchMaitre, Grand Maitre, Souverain. ...
It is a common Germanic word (Norwegian stilta, Danish stylte, Swedish stylta, Old Frisian stult, Middle Low German, Middle Dutch stelte, Dutch stelt "stilt, wooden leg," Flemish stilte "stick," Old High German stelza "plow handle, crutch"), but the exact relationship of the cognates...
"government by the people, system of government in which the sovereign power is vested in the people as a whole exercising power directly or by elected officials; a state so governed," 1570s, from French démocratie (14c.), from Medieval Latin democratia (13c.), from Greek dēmokra ...