peace (n.) mid-12c., pes, "freedom from civil disorder, internal peace of a nation," from Anglo-French pes, Old French pais "peace, reconciliation, silence, permission" (11c., Modern French paix), from Latin pacem (nominative pax) "compact, agreement, treaty of peace, tranquility, ...
word(v.) c. 1200, "to utter;" 1610s, "put into words," fromword(n.). Related:Worded;wording. Trends ofwording Sharewording ‘cite’ Etymology of wording by etymonline Harper, D. (n.d.). Etymology of wording. Online Etymology...
Where does the word idiom come from? What is the homophone for its? What is a homophone for allowed? What is the etymology of the word theogony? How many homonyms are there in the English language? What is the homophone for higher?
Etymology of the name Jerusalem Without a doubt the second and dominant part of the name reminded (then and now) of the wordשלום(shalom), meaning peace. The root of this word,שלם(shalem), denotes completeness, wholeness and soundness: ...
Etymology of the name Muslim The word Muslim, like the closely related word Islam, stems from the familiar Semitic root שלם (shalem), meaning to be whole or complete. This same root also spawns the other famous Semitic word, namely שלום (shalom), meaning peace: Excerpted...
/i>"at"+bandon"power, jurisdiction,"fromL.bannum, "proclamation,"orfromaFrankishword relatedtoband.Thewordcarriesasenseof "putsomeoneundersomeoneelse'scontrol" (mettre?bandon). abase-14c.,abaishen,fromO.Fr.?bassier "makelower,"fr 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~...
We hope that the day is coming when Israeli actions with regard to Jerusalem will respect and recognize the etymology of the city, whose name derives from the Hebrew for “house of peace” or from the Arabic, Al-Quds, which means “sacred site”. 我们希望有一天以色列对耶路撒冷采取的行动能...
after the creation of the Lund archbishopric in 1104. Beginning in the mid-14th century, Skåne was the object of a bitter struggle between Denmark, Sweden, and the Hanseatic League. After the Roskilde Peace of 1658, which concluded the war fought between Denmark and Sweden during the period...
Chad, officially Republic of Chad, is a landlocked country in North Central Africa. Click for more kids facts & information or download the worksheets.
Bricqueville the habitation on the height, Bricquebec, where we shall be stopping presently before coming to Maineville, the height by the stream. Now there is not a word of truth in all this, for the simple reason thatbricqis the old Norse word which means simply a bridge. Just asfleur...