Indian(adj., n.) "inhabit of India or South Asia; pertaining to India," c. 1300 (noun and adjective), from Late Latinindianus, fromIndia(seeIndia). Applied to the aboriginal native inhabitants of the Americas from at least 1553 as a noun (1610s as an adjective), reflecting Spanish an...
Harper, Douglas. “Etymology of worn.” Online Etymology Dictionary, Accessed 24 February, 2025. D. Harper. “Etymology of worn.” Online Etymology Dictionary. (accessed February 24, 2025). ...
the definition of the worddisasteris "an occurrence causing widespread destruction and distress; a catastrophe" or "a grave misfortune." But the etymology of the worddisastertakes us back to a time when people commonly blamed great misfortunes on the influence of the stars. ...
“The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.” We have extended the wordnestto apply to lots of nest-like things but many of these have their own names. A wasp’s nest is called a vespiary and a bee’s nest ... - english dictionary with multi-lingual search. Search in German, Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish and English. Pronunciation files get rid of those silly symbols than nobody understands. It's free, so try the dictionary today
As always, this orthographic research becomes a window into our past where one word leads to another. In the foreground to the left, reapers mow the crop with scythes. Scythe and its distant ancestor, the Proto Indo European root *sek- to cut, is the shared ancestral source of other ...
And Idaho? Linguists are certain that it's a Shoshone word.But the origin of Oregon's name has long been a mystery. It doesn't appear to derive from any local Indian language. Speculations that it is related to the Spanish word for marjoram (`oregano")," ear (`oreja") or slice of...
What is the folk etymology of lumber? What is etymology of the word communication? What is the etymology origin of the word vaccine? What is the etymology of democracy? What is an Apache Indian? What is the folk etymology of the word corduroy?
“Biologywas new when Lamarck first used it, but the pieces he used to construct it were not new:bio-is from the Greekbios, meaning ‘life’”; and-ologywas familiar in the endings of many other words (theology, for example). It is also Greek, connected withlogos, which meansword. T...