malicious"). The metaphoric use of the Greek word,melas, however, tended to reflect the notion of "shrouded in darkness, overcast." In English it has been the color of sin and sorrow at least since c. 1300; the sense of "with dark purposes, malignant" emerged 1580s (inblack art"necr...
local or state legal restrictions on black persons, free or slave, 1774, American English, though the first reference is to French colonies in the West Indies. also from1774 Trends ofblack code Shareblack code ‘cite’ code ...
aThe etymology of the word “Risk” can be traced to the Latin word “Rescum” meaning Risk at Sea or that which cuts (Raghavan, 2003). 词“风险”的语源学可以被追踪到海上切开Raghavan的或那的拉丁词“Rescum”意思 (风险, 2003年)。[translate]...
Code style: black (merged jmsv/black) Jul 28, 2018 update setup Aug 1, 2022 added wintu language test Aug 12, 2019 Repository files navigation README MIT license Intro @jmsvand@parker57started a side project to analyse etymologies of text written by various historical au...
17.Etymology.the study of words and word roots.may sound like the kind of thing done by boring librarians in small.dusty rooms. Yet etymologists actually have a uniquely interesting job. They are in many ways just like archaeologists digging up the ph
Kimiya: Secrets of the Ancients – but Egyptian, Greek or Chinese? “Kemet” was the native Egyptian name for Egypt. It was the word for “black” and significantly, the word used to distinguish the fertile Nile lands from the red desert soils. Some think that the Greeks then called the...
For each entry, the dictionary provides the correct pronunciation, followed by a short definition, and the century and source of the word's first recording. Then come the etymological notes. Thus one learns that "froth" (an aggregation of small bubbles on liquid) was first noted in the 14th...
of the term is disputed: it may come from a type of dance called a ‘gigue’ at which musicians would be booked to play, or it may be that the ‘gig’ referred to a carriage on which Black American musicians would play in the early twentieth century because if they played on the ...
The cat-sìth (plural cait-shìth), meaning "fairy cat" in Scottish Gaelic and pronounced "caught shee", is a fairy creature from Celtic mythology, said to resemble a large black cat with a white spot on its breast. Legend has it that the spectral cat ha
Words From Our Sponsors. DyNama, Ohio, USA. Though I'm actually a cat person, I relish the mystery of the word "Dog", the oldest domesticated animal, and our companions for 33,000 years. Not only is the origin of the word "dog" one of the great mysteries of English etymology, but...