Chaucer used it, perhaps from Italianuniversoin Boccaccio, of the gods in "Troilus and Criseyde:" Ye folk a lawe han set in universe; And this knowe I by hem that lovers be, That whoso stryveth with yow hath the werse. also from1580s ...
universe (n.) 1580s, "the whole world, the cosmos, the totality of existing things," from Old French univers (12c.), from Latin universum "all things, everybody, all people, the whole world," noun use of neuter of adjective universus "all together, all in one, whole, entire, relatin...
The Bible tells the story of how humanity came to be in possession of theWord of God, which is the set of immutable laws upon which the universe runs (Colossians 1:15-17), and upon which a perfect society would run too if humanity would ever figure out how to apply them (that societ...
Logos is the name of the rules upon which the universe runs: natural law — hence words like "logic" and "logarithm" and the -logy part of scientific disciplines like technology, biology, archeology, cosmology, epistemology and so on. These natural rules are many, but they are also one. ...
; at the same time, still having as a starting point the shape of a cavity, yet turned upside down, it could evolve towards the meaning of 'vault' of the sky (as it appears in some of its most ancient occurrences), and then, by extension, it came to designate the whole universe....
lecture: “The Mystery of Constants,” we will demystify Pi, Phi, Alpha, Euler Number and Euler Mascheroni Constants and their inter-relational effects on the entire universe including planetary orbits, orbital velocities, time measurement, atomic resonance and the universal constant of light speed....
From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe 1 Descartes's Theory of Mind 1 The History of Scepticism from Erasmus to Spinoza 1 The Mechanization of the World Picture 1 Essay Concerning Human Understanding 1 Newton on Matter and Activity 1 诗经覈诂 1 第二大脑:脑机协作如何改变个人发展和家族...
Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR, one of the many apparatus used by NASA, features an x-ray vision to explore the universe. Other telescopes observe visible light from the supernova aftermath, while some record data from x-rays and gamma rays.Super...
Today, we know that there are many galaxies in the universe, but until not so long ago, the only one we knew about and could observe was our own, the Milky Way. But don't be mistaken, this lactose-related association doesn't belong to the English language, as it was the Ancient Gre...
As Lewis says, the universe rings true whenever you fairly test it, and so I had to experience this journey for myself. It felt more like 70,000 roundabouts, each one plastering me to the window as I attempted to read (speaking of Lewis)Surprised by Joy(and quite a good read it is...